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  • PhoneGap Now Fully Supports WP7

    PhoneGap now supports all native functionality on Windows Phone 7 being on par with iOS and Android.

  • Silverlight 5 – Full 3D Stack, Better Binding, Enhanced Trust Mode

    Silverlight 5 has finally been released by Microsoft, with a lot of new features such as full 3d stack with XNA Libraries, several binding related enhancements, unrestricted File System access and more.

  • Silverlight Has Had a Bumpy Road. Will It Have a Smooth Transition to WinRT?

    Microsoft had a great vision for Silverlight, a framework and a set of tools that would dominate the web development landscape, but it fell short of that. There are rumors there won’t be any Silverlight 6. If that happens, how easy is for the Silverlight developer to transition to WinRT? Some numbers show that it is pretty easy.

  • WCF Data Services October CTP Updates OData Libraries, Adds Spatial Data Types

    Microsoft has released the WCF Data Services October CTP, which targets .NET 4 and Silverlight 4. This update includes new libraries for OData version 3, and adds support for spatial data.

  • Microsoft has Abandoned Silverlight and All Other Plugins in Metro IE

    Though it has been hard, we have been trying to avoid reporting on rumors about the death of Silverlight for quite some time. As in all things, rumors tend to be exaggerated or out-right false. Unfortunately the end of Silverlight is no rumor; if Microsoft doesn’t change course it, as well as Flash and other plugin technologies, will be effectively unusable when Windows 8 is released.

  • Windows 8 Replaces the Win32 API

    Windows 8 introduces a new core API called WinRT. This is used to develop Metro style applications using C/C++, .NET, or JavaScript. These applications automatically gain features such as hardware acceleration and advanced power management out of the box. Existing Silverlight and WPF applications can be ported to the new “Native XAML” libraries with minimal effort.

  • Silverlight 5 RC: Microsoft Reinforces Their Commitment with Many New Features

    Microsoft has announced Silverlight 5 RC ahead of the BUILD conference, making sure the are no more questions about their commitment regarding their favorite browser plug-in technology. Silverlight 5 has many new features, including: 2D and 3D graphics rendered via the GPU, remote video control, P/Invoke support, in-browser trusted applications, better performance and tools.

  • Resources for Windows Phone Developers

    In what’s becoming a tradition, Microsoft has once again confused the version numbers of one of their key products. In brief what you need to target Windows Phone 7.5 is the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK and the August 2011 build of the Windows Phone Toolkit. Or you can give the PhoneGap beta a spin.

  • Task Parallel Library for Silverlight

    Silverlight’s asynchronous service model forces developers to deal with multi-threading from the very beginning. So it seems odd that Microsoft choose to omit the Task Parallel Library, which is the core of .NET’s multi-threading infrastructure. Fortunately there are options.

  • An Overview of WCF RIA Services Toolkit

    In honor of the August release of WCF RIA Services Toolkit, we are going to offer a quick introduction to the various components it offers on top of the baseline version of RIA Services. New in this build is support for EntityFramework 4.1, including code first, and a fix to the JavaScript/jQuery client so that it works with jQuery 1.5.1 and later.

  • Writing Asynchronous Tests with Rx and Silverlight

    Richard Szalay is demonstrates how Reactive Extensions can be used to make asynchronous testing with the Silverlight Unit Testing Framework less error prone.

  • Rapid Business Application Development with Visual Studio LightSwitch

    Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 is a simplified development tool intended to speed up the creation of custom business applications. It includes pre-built components, templates, and predefined data types for the most common business needs, and allows developers to produce form-driven applications for either desktop use or deployment to the cloud.

  • Jeremy Likness on Clean Design-Time Friendly ViewModels

    There are many ways to handle design-time data in view-models. While some people use complex dependency injection frameworks or inversion of control containers, the simplest method is to just check the DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool flag. Unfortunately this has the side effect of embedding the design-time data into one’s application. Jeremy Likness offers a couple ways of working around this.

  • WCF Data Services June CTP: LINQ Improvements and Properties on Derived Types

    The WCF Data Services June 2011 CTP for .NET 4 and Silverlight 4 includes Any/All operators for LINQ, support for properties on derived types, and an OData serializer/deserializer.

  • Microsoft’s Silence is Infuriating .NET Developers

    Earlier this month Microsoft unveiled a new touch-centric UI for Windows 8. According to the presentation this new UI allows Windows 8 applications built using just HTML5 and JavaScript. This is great news for web developers looking to do more with the Windows platform, but Microsoft is refusing to say whether or not .NET can also be used for this new application model.