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InfoQ Homepage Training / Certification Content on InfoQ

  • Nurturing a Culture for Continuous Learning

    Continuous learning supports agile adoption in enterprises. A culture change can be needed to enable and support continuous learning. There are several things that managers and agile coaches can do to establish and nurture a continuous learning culture.

  • Examining Different Approaches to Scaling Agile

    Scaling Agile is a source of great consternation - what does it mean, how to scale, what framework or approach to use, what techniques need to change when adopting agile at scale, etc. Richard Dolman & Steve Spearman have built a matrix for comparing agile scaling frameworks. They spoke to InfoQ about their work.

  • Agile Training and Coaching for Managers

    Several authors discussed the importance of training for the success of agile adoption. Teams usually receive training when organizations are adopting agile. The question is how much and what kind of training and coaching is needed for the managers to make an agile transformation succeed.

  • Management Buy-in and Support in Agile Adoption

    Adopting agile is an organization change which involves management. It is said that management buy-in is crucial for agile to succeed and that a lack of management support can be a barrier in agile transformations. There are different ways for management to support agile in enterprises.

  • Experiences from Applying Kanban at SAP

    The experiences with more than two years of applying Kanban at SAP were presented by Alexander Gerber and Martin Engel at Lean Kanban Central Europe. Their case study showed how they supported the implementation of lean and agile processes. InfoQ interviewed them about how Kanban was introduced and received within SAP, the training approach and the experiences from teams with the Kanban practices

  • Rocket to Mars: A Sprint Planning Game

    “Many team and their product owners believe that the team's unique job is to deliver more and more story points, but we consider this to be a complete misunderstanding of the relation between the team and the product owner” said Damien Thouvenin and Pierrick Revol. They ran a sprint planning game on investing time to produce stories, investigate issues, reduce technical debt, or do training.

  • A Course Is Not Mandatory Anymore for the Professional Software Developer 1 Assessment announced that it is no longer mandatory to do a Professional Software Developer 1 course to do the PSD 1 assessment and become certified.

  • Video Lessons on Agile Coaching and Organizational Change

    Two video lessons covering agile coaching and organizational change were released by Pearson/Addison-Wesley in the last quarter of 2012. They provide a different way to increase knowledge on agile adoption for visual and audible learners.

  • Presentation: IASA’s Five Pillars of Architecture

    In his online presentation “Five Pillars of IT Architecture” Jim Wilt, architect at Microsoft, introduced IASA's view on the foundation of architecture. The pillars IASA identified include business technology strategy, IT environment, quality attributes, design and human dynamics.

  • PMI Announces Softening of Requirements for New PMI-ACP Certification

    The Project Management Institute is softening the eligibility requirements to qualify for their new PMI ACP (Agile Certified Professional) certification test. Previously individuals needed 1,500 hours of experience working on an agile project, with those hours accrued over the last two years. Now the requirement is 1,500 hours of experience on an agile project accrued over the last three years.

  • Agile Humour: A Wrap Up of April Fools Day 2012

    The Agile community has a great tradition of making fun of itself and April Fools Day 2012 was no exception. Here is a wrap up of some of the best gags from this year that you may have missed.

  • Individual Yield

    Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt, enumerates some practical points on individual procutivity. This article wonders how well these apply to software development and contrasts his list with that of other lists.

  • Navigating the Maze of EA Certifications

    There are over a dozen Enterprise Architecture certifications available and they are becoming increasingly critical when hiring and evaluating architects. Microsoft’s Mike Walker categorized these certifications into a Reference Guide that can help architects better understand which certification(s) to pursue.

  • Scrum Extensions Update - 4th Quarter 2011

    This is the 4th quarter 2011 update of scrum extensions. InfoQ will be looking at proposed and approved extensions each quarter to see how scrum changes and evolves.

  • Mitchell Harper: University Education of Software Engineers is a Waste of Time

    Mitch Harper, co-founder of, claimed in a recent issue of the Sydney Morning Herald that university education might be the wrong way to become a software engineer. According to Harper, a self-educated software engineer without an university degree: universities leave their students rather unprepared for the realities of being a software engineer.