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InfoQ Homepage Adopting Agile Content on InfoQ


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  • The InfoQ eMag: Paths to Production: Deployment Pipelines as a Competitive Advantage

    In this eMag, you will be introduced to the paths to production and how several global companies supercharge developers and keep their competitiveness by balancing speed and safety.

  • Understanding Agile Values & Principles. An Examination of the Agile Manifesto

    In Understanding Agile Values and Principles, Scott Duncan analyzes each of the 12 principles and four value statements of the Agile Manifesto. Along the way, he explains the intent and importance of each. He also describes how teams may struggle to put a principle or value into practice, and offers practical, ready-to-use advice on living the principles and values of the Agile Manifesto.

  • InfoQ eMag: #noprojects

    #NoProjects – a number of authors have challenged the idea of the project as a delivery mechanism for information technology product development. The two measures of success and goals of project management and product development don’t align and the project mindset is even considered to be an inhibitor against product excellence. This emag presents some alternative approaches.

  • InfoQ eMag: Designing Your Culture

    This eMag brings together a number of articles that explore ways to consciously design your culture, how to nurture and grow attitudes of craftsmanship and professionalism in teams, how to create places which are great to work in that get great outcomes, and how to make a profit.

  • Agile Transition

    Written by the agile coaches of Agile42, Agile Transition shares fundamental knowledge to support the observations & conclusions that the authors have identified within organizations transitioning to a more agile approach to work. The authors share their failures and learnings in organizations transitioning to embrace agile, and they share their experiences of what is required to succeed.

  • An Agile Adoption and Transformation Survival Guide

    This book provides a set of essential thinking tools for understanding Agile adoption and transformation: how they differ and what you need to know to avoid being another statistic in the widespread adoption failure. In particular, you will learn how to use culture to work more effectively with your organization.