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InfoQ Homepage AJAX Content on InfoQ

  • FlexChart: Flash Charting Application for AJAX

    FlexChart is an open source Flash application built for uses in AJAX applications. The charting application is driven through dynamically through XML.

  • Article: Developing Portlets using JSF, Ajax, and Seam (Part 3 of 3)

    This article, the last in a three-part series by Wesley Hales, expands upon the previous articles by introducing Seam. It covers integrating Seam into the previous sample application, deploying a Seam portlet, Bridgelets, Single-sign on between Seam and JBoss Portal, and several new features and capabilities of JBoss Portlet Bridge.

  • AJAX Animator Demonstrates AJAX in RIA World

    AJAX Animator is an open-source project uses AJAX technologies to provide a fully standards-based, online, collaborative, Web-based animation suite. The 0.2 release shows good potential for AJAX plays in the RIA world. The creator of AJAX Animator recently shared his insights with InfoQ.

  • Overview of the Appcelerator RIA Platform

    In this post, InfoQ discusses the Appcelerator platform with Matt Quinlan, Vice President of Community Development at Appcelerator. Quinlan highlights the strengths of Appcelerator and some of its common uses.

  • Web IDL: W3C Language Bindings for DOM Specifications Gets a New Name

    The W3C recently published the working draft of Web IDL which was formerly known as the Language Bindings for DOM Specifications. The working draft defines a syntactic subset of OMG IDL version 3.0 for use by specifications that define interfaces. InfoQ spoke to the specification editor to learn more about the specification and its impact on the Web development community.

  • Volta: Developing Distributed Applications by Recompiling

    Volta extends the reach of .NET programming languages, libraries, and tools to cover the cloud. As such it seems to become Microsoft's response to Google's GWT. In this article the contributors to the project explain what is "Architecture Refactoring", how it works and where it is going.

  • GWT 1.5: Java 5 Support, Performance Improvements and JavaScript Enhancements

    Google Web Toolkit (GWT), a Java-centric compiler which creates JavaScript-based web applications, released version 1.5 today. InfoQ spoke with tech lead Bruce Johnson to learn more about this release and what new capabilities it adds to GWT.

  • Article: Developing Portlets using JSF, Ajax, and Seam (Part 2 of 3)

    This article, the second in a three-part series by Wesley Hales, expands upon the previous article by introducing RichFaces. It covers integrating RichFaces into the previous sample application, deploying a RichFaces portlet, and several features and capabilities of RichFaces.

  • Google Introduces GWT Overlay Types

    Javascript Overlay Types is a new feature in GWT 1.5 that simplifies the process of interacting with native Javascript data structures in GWT applications.

  • Q&A with Dylan Schiemann co-creator of Dojo on AJAX, Comet, Bayeux, RIAs and the Dojo Toolbox

    The Dojo Toolkit is a modular open source JavaScript library, designed to ease the rapid development of JavaScript or Ajax-based applications and web sites. InfoQ had a Q&A with Dylan Schiemann, CEO of SitePen and co-creator of the Dojo Toolkit, about AJAX, Comet, Bayeux, RIAs and the newly released Dojo Toolbox.

  • Internet Explorer 6 on its way out (or not)?

    Since attaining a peak of about 95% usage share during 2002 and 2003, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) has been rapidly losing market share. As the end of 2008 approaches, significant online services, vendors and web frameworks are dropping support for IE6. Will this year be the end of IE6 and what does this signify for Web 2.0 developers?

  • Article: Introducing Multithreaded Programming to JavaScript

    In this article, which was originally published on InfoQ Japan, Daisuke Maki describes some of the challenges of developing responsive AJAX applications, and presents Concurrent.Thread as a solution to easing the complexity involved in asynchronous communcation in AJAX.

  • What Do You Want On Future Browsers? Time to Vote!

    An industry wishlist for future browsers has been collected and developed by OpenAjax Alliance. Using wiki as an open collaboration tool and with contributions from many people in the industry, the feature list now lists 37 separate feature requests, covering a wide range of technology areas. OpenAjax Alliance is calling for everyone to vote for his/her favorite features.

  • Presentation: Building Large AJAX Applications with GWT 1.4 and Google Gears

    In this presentation from QCon San Francisco 2007, Rajeev Dayal discusses building applications with GWT and Google Gears. Topics discussed include an overview of GWT, integrating GWT with other frameworks, GWT 1.4 features, developing large GWT applications, integrating GWT and Google Gears, the architecture of a Google Gears application, Google Gears features and the Google Gears API.

  • Defining RIA, Web 2.0, and AJAX

    Christopher Keene, of WaveMaker Software, attempts to define common web development terms in a blog post earlier this month. He offers a detailed overview on the terms and how to view them together. In a separate, thread former Adobe Executive, David Mendels, discusses how the term RIA came to be, and the value it has today.