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  • Java Community Aims to Quantify Java 9 Adoption

    The Java community, led by the London Java Community and several Java Champions, has launched an effort to quantify the adoption of Java 9 across popular open source projects.

  • DevOps Workbench Launched by ZeroStack

    Private cloud provider, ZeroStack, has announced a self-service capability from which developers can create their own workbenches. Forty developer tools from a mix of open source and commercial providers are available to users of the DevOps Workbench through Zerostack’s Intelligent Cloud Platform.

  • NuGet is Now Part of MSBuild

    After experimenting with a json-based project format, Microsoft has returned to MSBuild as the foundation for C# and VB project files. Along with that decision came the promise to implement many of the much-liked project.json features. Today we’re going to talk about one of these features, NuGet integration.

  • Webpack 2 Finalized with Focus on Improved Documentation

    The final release of webpack 2, the popular JavaScript module and asset bundler, has arrived, bringing with it native support for ES2015 and vastly improved documentation. However, it's too early to tell if the new version will dramatically improve build times and file sizes.

  • New Book on Docker Provides Comprehensive Introduction

    Docker in Action, written by Jeff Nickoloff, provides a comprehensive introduction to Docker and how to integrate it into a development workflow. This book is intended for developers and operations engineers who wish to adopt Docker for application development and integrate it into their software delivery process.

  • Solving Fat JAR Woes at HubSpot

    Spring Boot 1.4 and Dropwizard 1.0 were both released at the end of July, using fat JARs. As adoption of such frameworks and microservices increases, fat JARs are becoming a more common deployment mechanism. Earlier HubSpot cited issues where Fat JARs deployments experienced problems with the maven-shade-plugin, and efficiency problems when packaging 100,000 tiny files as a JAR.

  • ZeroTurnaround Releases RebelLabs Developer Productivity Report

    Today, ZeroTurnaround's RebelLabs released their biannual developer productivity report, which asked over 2000 respondents what their tools of the trade were. InfoQ has been given access to the report and summarises its findings.

  • Twitter Releases Pants 1.0 Polyglot Build Tool

    Five years in the making, Twitter has released the milestone version 1.0.0 of their Pants build tool, offering multi language support and improved scalability.

  • .NET Core Plans to Drop project.json

    Microsoft has decided to phase out project.json files over the next year or so, slowly returning to the standard .csproj style file.

  • Apache Maven JDeps Plugin 3.0.0 Released

    A new maven plugin that uses the jdeps utility to find uses of JDK Internal APIs has been released. When activated, the plugin will force a failure if the code uses any internal API. Internal APIs will be unaccessible as of Java 9, therefore this plugin helps developers adapt their code to the next version of Java. Despite being labeled as 3.0.0, this is the first release of the plugin.

  • Maven Central Now Mirrored by Google

    Takari, the Maven-focused company started by Maven founder Jason van Zyl, announced that Maven Central is now mirrored on Google Cloud Storage. Maven Central is the central repository where many open source Java libraries publish their artifacts.

  • Bazel Enters Beta, Supports Groovy, Rust and Scala

    Bazel, the build system that Google open sourced six months ago, has reached the first beta milestone as planned, adding support for several languages and technologies.

  • Gradle 2.5 Does Continuous Builds

    Gradle 2.5 has been announced this month including a number of incubating features, such as Continuous Builds, Dependency Substitution Rules, Progress Events, Google Tests, and others.

  • RedHat Microservices Architecture Developer Day London

    Last week, RedHat hosted a "Microservices Architecture Developer Day" in London, and presented a set of technologies and patterns that can be used to create microservice-based applications using open-source solutions like Kubernetes, Docker, Fabric8 and Maven. Read on for more details about the day, including links to the presentations and demo videos.

  • Maven Escapes from XML

    The recently released Maven 3.3.1 adds support for core extensions to be added to a project through additional metadata as well as using alternatives to the eponymous pom.xml file for building. This has been used to create build scripts for JRuby that build upon Maven but use a JRuby script to represent dependencies and plugins.