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  • RedHat Microservices Architecture Developer Day London

    Last week, RedHat hosted a "Microservices Architecture Developer Day" in London, and presented a set of technologies and patterns that can be used to create microservice-based applications using open-source solutions like Kubernetes, Docker, Fabric8 and Maven. Read on for more details about the day, including links to the presentations and demo videos.

  • Maven Escapes from XML

    The recently released Maven 3.3.1 adds support for core extensions to be added to a project through additional metadata as well as using alternatives to the eponymous pom.xml file for building. This has been used to create build scripts for JRuby that build upon Maven but use a JRuby script to represent dependencies and plugins.

  • MSBuild Joins GitHub, Paving Way for Non-Windows Build Systems

    MSBuild, the command-line tool used to build Visual Studio solutions and projects has been released to GitHub under an open source license. This paves the way for non-Windows systems to build .NET-based applications without requiring Visual Studio to be installed.

  • New Tools from Google to Help Developing C/C++ Applications on Android

    A new set of libraries and tools from Google's Fun Propulsion Labs, fplutil, promises to make it easier to develop C/C++ applications for Android.

  • CocoaPods Hits 1 Millon Downloads

    Orta Therox, a core contributor to the CocoaPods project, last week announced that the project has now topped 1 million downloads. This announcement rounds off a year which has seen significant developments in the project and growth in its user base.

  • Details of NetBeans Day at JavaOne 2014

    Oracle have announced details for NetBeans Day 2014. Particular topics of interest include Maven, a new Education initiative and an appearance by James Gosling.

  • Maven Central Enables SSL

    Responding to recent concerns that hackers could upload rogue versions of common libraries to Maven Central, Sonatype has released a patch that closes a security vulnerability, enabling SSL by default.

  • Google's Study Provides Insights into Programmers' Build Errors

    Google engineers have recently published a research paper presenting an empirical study of 26.6 million builds produced during a period of nine months by thousands of developers at Google. The paper describes the build workflow, and analyzes failure frequency, compiler error types, and resolution efforts. Such a study, its authors say, can help improve the build process and support to developers.

  • The Spring IO Platform Released to Simplify Dependency Management

    Pivotal last week released the first version of their new Spring IO Platform 1.0. At its core, the Spring IO Platform is a list of dependencies (and their versions) that work well together. Its implementation is a Maven POM file that you can import into your projects to set the versions for dependencies. These dependencies are curated and harmonized across Spring projects.

  • ThoughtWorks Open Sources Go, a CD Tool

    ThoughtWorks has recently open sourced their Continuous Delivery (CD) tool, called Go, having its origins in CruiseControl and providing a pipeline process that covers the entire code development process: continuous integration, testing and deploying.

  • Gulp Aiming to Dethrone Grunt

    Fractal, a company who has been actively involved in the development of several popular Node.js modules has just released gulp, a new building system which is trying to replace Grunt as the most popular JavaScript task-runner.

  • Android++ with Zero Hardware Restrictions, MSBuild, LLVM, GCC, Integrated GDB Debugging

    The recently released Android++ in closed beta enables you to build Android apps using Visual Studio with support for zero hardware restrictions, MSBuild, LLVM, GCC in addition to integrated GDB debugging.

  • AnyPresence Soups up Enterprise MBaaS Platform- Part 1 of 2

    Mobile Backend as a Service provider AnyPresence continues to hone their chops. Launching the fifth update to their self-titled platform geared for the enterprise. Co-founder Rich Mendis provides some insights for InfoQ readers…

  • T4 Editor 2.2.1 with Visual Studio 2013 Preview, New Template Gallery and F1 Support

    T4 Editor 2.2.0 enables you to create a library of reusable snippets in addition to an ability to make use of project properties with include and assembly directives, which works not only in the standard IDE but also in the msbuild host. It also includes support for Visual Studio 2013 Preview, new template gallery and F1support for directives.

  • Microsoft's C# and VB Compilers Now Freely Available

    MSBuild has been renamed to Microsoft Build Tools. This new package includes Microsoft's C# and Visual Basic compilers, making all 3 freely available and independent from Visual Studio or the .NET Framework.