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  • HashiCorp Policy-as-Code Framework Sentinel Adds Multiple Developer Experience Improvements

    HashiCorp has released a number of improvements to Sentinel, their policy-as-code framework. The new features include an improved import configuration syntax, a new static import feature, support for named functions, and per-policy parameter values. There are also new helper functions to determine if a value is undefined.

  • HashiCorp Consul Improves Envoy Integration, Adds Debugging Tool

    HashiCorp has released Consul 1.15, adding new features that improve interacting with Envoy and troubleshooting issues within the service mesh platform. The release introduces improvements to Envoy access logging as well as adding in Consul Envoy extensions. To improve the troubleshooting experience, a new service-to-service troubleshooting tool has been added.

  • Passwordless Cloud Deployments with GitHub Actions

    GitHub’s CICD service offering, GitHub Actions, now supports the use of Open Identity Connect credentials to authenticate against cloud providers such as Hashicorp Vault, AWS, Azure and GCP without the use of long-lived credentials or passwords.

  • Terraform 1.4 Release Adds Native Null Resource and Extends OPA Support

    HashiCorp has released Terraform 1.4 with a number of improvements for working within Terraform Cloud environments. These improvements include CLI support for structured run outputs and OPA policy results. Additional improvements include a native replacement for the Null utility provider.

  • HashiCorp Vault Improves Multi-Namespace Workflows, Adds Managed Service for Azure

    HashiCorp has released version 1.13 of Vault, their secrets and identity management platform. This release includes multi-namespace access workflows, improvements to the Google Cloud secrets engine, usability improvements to MFA, and certificate revocation for cross-cluster management. HashiCorp has also released Vault as a managed service for Microsoft Azure environments.

  • HashiCorp Nomad Adds SSO Support and Dynamic Metadata

    HashiCorp has released version 1.5 of Nomad, currently in beta. Nomad is their orchestrator platform for deploying and managing both containerized and non-containerized environments. This release adds single sign-on and OIDC support as well as dynamic node metadata, job templates, and UI improvements.

  • HashiCorp Boundary Adds Multi-Hop Sessions and Credential Templating

    HashiCorp has released version 0.12 of Boundary, their open-source identity-based access management service for infrastructure. This release introduces support for multi-hop sessions removing the need to expose Boundary workers running on private networks. Additional improvements include support for credential injection via Vault, assigning network addresses on targets, and credential templating.

  • Terraform Cloud Adds Dynamic Provider Credentials and OPA Support

    Hashicorp has released several new features into Terraform Cloud, their managed service offering for Terraform. The new features include dynamic provider credentials, native OPA support, and the addition of projects as an organization tool.

  • Kubefirst Platform Improves Local Experience and Password Management

    Kubefirst, an open-source infrastructure application platform, recently released version 1.11. This version adds improved support for their local installation including a new local DNS implementation, enables Traefik ingress controller for local installs, and adds trusted local TLS certificates.

  • HashiCorp Terraform Plugin Framework Now Generally Available

    HashiCorp has released the 1.0 version of the Terraform Plugin Framework. This framework improves upon and replaces the current Terraform Plugin SDKv2. It includes support for validators, path expressions, nested attributes, resource private state management, and custom types. Providers written in the new framework are executable binaries written in Go.

  • HashiCorp Consul Introduces New Sidecar Model for Kubernetes Deployments

    HashiCorp has released Consul 1.14, adding new features that simplify deployments and improve the resiliency of their service mesh platform. The release includes Consul Dataplane, an improved architecture for deploying onto Kubernetes. The cluster peering model that was introduced as beta in 1.13 has been moved into full general availability.

  • HashiCorp's Boundary Now Generally Available on HCP

    Following a successful beta trial, HashiCorp has announced the general availability of Boundary on their cloud platform HCP. This adds a key new aspect to HashiCorp's managed solution for zero-trust security.

  • Waypoint Now Available in Beta on HashiCorp’s Cloud Platform

    Waypoint now available in beta on Hashicorp's Cloud Platform (HCP). First released two years ago as an open-source project, Waypoint is a tool to give developers a consistent deployment experience onto platforms such as Docker, Kubernetes and Amazon ECS. A wide array of plugins provide backend support for deploying to these platforms with a single "waypoint up" command.

  • CDK for Terraform Improves Performance by Adding Namespaces

    HashiCorp released version 0.13 of the CDK for Terraform (CDKTF) with significant improvements to performance. The release introduces a major restructuring of the language by introducing namespaces. The namespace improvement dramatically enhances the performance of synthesizing infrastructure. This release builds upon the 0.12 release which saw CDKTF move into general availability.

  • HashiCorp Vault Enhances Plugin Framework, Adds New Secrets Engines

    HashiCorp has released a number of new features and improved core workflows for Vault, their secrets and identity management platform. The improvements include a new PKCS#11 provider, support for Redis and Amazon ElasticCache as secrets engines, improvements to the Transform secrets engine, and a better user experience for working with plugins.