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InfoQ Homepage Load Balancing Content on InfoQ

  • Java Clustering Framework Shoal Provides Fault Tolerance and Distributed State Cache

    Shoal is a java clustering framework that provides infrastructure to build fault tolerance, reliability and availability for java application servers. It can also be plugged into any application that needs clustering and distributed systems capabilities. Shoal is the clustering engine for GlassFish and JonAS application servers and provides a distributed state cache for storing application state.

  • Scaling Web Applications using Cache Farms and Read Pools

    Exploring a couple of lesser known tools in the architects' scaling toolkit.

  • Client side load balancing of Ajax applications

    Traditional approaches to load balancing have focused on server side solutions. Lei Zhu recently proposed an approach where the load balancing logic for a clustered Ajax application resides in the client tier, and describes how an application built on Amazon's S3 and EC2 services has successfully employed the technique.

  • Think you know what scalability is?

    Many people talk about scalability, but do you know what it really means? Royans K Tharakan dispels some myths and provides a detailed explanation of some of the common scalability terms.

  • A Twitter in a Teapot?

    Just over a week's gone by and the community is still buzzing with the Rails scalability debate. Developers are asking the defining question: does Web 2.0 darling prove Rails can't scale? James Cox gives InfoQ readers a comprehensive summary.