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  • An Introduction to Differential Privacy

    Differential privacy leapt from research papers to tech news headlines last year when, in the WWDC keynote, Apple VP of Engineering Craig Federighi announced Apple’s use of the concept to protect user privacy in iOS. This article gives a definition of differential privacy and example of differentially private algorithms.

  • Swift and Objective-C Runtime Programming

    Since a few months ago, a debate has been going on within the Objective-C/Swift developer community concerning the lack of dynamic features in Swift and the importance that runtime programming plays in Objective-C and Cocoa. InfoQ has spoken with Swift developers Chris Eidhof and Drew Crawford to learn more about these potential issues.

  • Mobile Development Efficiency with NativeScript and Angular

    To meet both consumer demand and expectations, companies must develop for both mobile and web. Developing for both platforms is complex, but with the right tools and framework, the process is a little easier. In this article, TJ VanToll shows how to use NativeScript and Angular to develop cross platform apps.

  • Reactor by Example

    Reactor, like RxJava 2, is a fourth generation reactive library launched by Spring custodian Pivotal. It builds on the Reactive Streams specification, Java 8, and the ReactiveX vocabulary. In this article, we’ll draw a parallel between Reactor and RxJava, and showcase the common elements as well as the differences.

  • Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

    The world has gone mobile. One of the most challenging situations for app developers is whether to develop a native mobile app or go for cross-platform. This article discusses the pros and cons of cross-platform mobile app development.

  • Iterative Prototyping in the Mobile App Development Process

    Mobile app development adopted an iterative, rapid development process and prototypes have a role to play in this agile approach, enabling developers to build, test, iterate, re-test and re-build rapidly and at lower cost (not to mention allowing all stakeholders in the process early on). This article guides through the essential steps of mobile app prototyping.

  • A Reference Architecture for the Internet of Things (Part 2)

    This is the second article of a two article series in which we try to work from the abstract level of IoT reference architectures towards the concrete architecture and implementation for selected use cases. This second article will show how to apply this architecture to real world use cases - one being in the field of smart homes, one in the field of insurance.

  • IBM's Swift on the Server

    Since Swift's open-source release, IBM has been working on the project and providing libdispatch on Linux, as well as providing a Swift web-based runtime and a managed catalog of Swift projects. InfoQ spoke to Chris Bailey and Patrick Bohrer, who presented at QCon London 2016, and asked them where they see Swift going in the future.

  • Enterprise Mobility is Going Beyond “Mobile First” Approach. Are You Ready?

    The mobile revolution is changing the way organizations work and manage their operations, as well as engage with their employees. As a result, organizations are reconsidering their technologies and techniques to make their traditional organizational cultures and roles more mobile friendly, making ‘mobile first’ a must have strategy.

  • The Four Concerns That Must Be Addressed Before the Internet of Things Can Really Take Off In 2016

    By 2020, there will be more than 50 billion of connected devices, according to Cisco, and experts predict that the IoT will have a $3.5 trillion impact on the global economy within the next five years. The question is, is it really going to happen? And shouldn’t we be seeing greater market penetration than we already do?

  • One API, Many Facades?

    An interesting trend is emerging in the world of Web APIs, with various engineers and companies advocating for dedicated APIs for each consumer with particular needs. Beyond any ideal design of your API, reality strikes back with the concrete and differing concerns of varied API consumers. You might need to optimize your API accordingly.

  • Writing Cross-Platform Apps with React Native

    React Native is Facebook's open source project for building native mobile apps using JavaScript. Rather than wrapping a web view and pretending to be a mobile app, React Native allows developers to create truly native applications. Bonnie Eisenman presents an introduction on React Native, how to get started, and how to get your app into the store.