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InfoQ Homepage News InfoQ Book: Domain Driven Design Quickly

InfoQ Book: Domain Driven Design Quickly

The most complicated aspect of large software projects is not the implementation, it is the real world domain that the software serves. Domain Driven Design is a vision and approach for dealing with highly complex domains that is based on making the domain itself the main focus of the project, and maintaining a software model that reflects a deep understanding of the domain. The vision was brought to the world by Eric Evans in his book "Domain Driven Design". Eric's work was based on 20 years of widely accepted best practices in the object community, as well as Eric's own insights. 

Despite the importance of Domain Driven Design, not many people are aware of it, which is why InfoQ commissioned the writing of a 100 page mini-book: Domain Driven Design Quickly, and like all InfoQ books is available for free download as well as print-purchase.  The book is a short, quickly-readable summary and introduction to the fundamentals of DDD; it does not introduce any new concepts; it attempts to concisely summarize the essence of what DDD is, drawing mostly Eric Evans' 576 page book, as well other sources since published such as Jimmy Nilsson's Applying Domain Driven Design, and various DDD discussion forums.  Main topics in the book include:

 - Building Domain Knowledge
 - The Ubiquitous Language
 - Model Driven Design
 - Refactoring Toward Deeper Insight
 - Preserving Model Integrity

Please help Domain Driven Design become mainstream by letting people know about this book!

Although Eric's book came out in 2003, it seems that 2007 will the year Domain Driven Design becomes widely known.  Whereas little was being said about DDD last year, this year saw two new books on DDD publish (Jimmy Nilsson's and InfoQ's), there was a whole track on DDD at The Spring Experience, and revolution back to POJO development in the Java community is setting the stage for DDD to finally become a mainstream practice.