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InfoQ Homepage News InfoQ Turns One Year Old!

InfoQ Turns One Year Old!

InfoQ officially launched exactly one year ago today, and what a year it has been!   Our mission is to be the world's source for tracking change and innovation in the enterprise software development community; with content at the level of depth and focus needed for team leads, architects and project managers.  In keeping with that mission InfoQ has published:
  • 1350 original news items
  • 124 in-depth technical articles
  • 80 video interviews and video conference presentations
  • 9 original free-downloadable books
Our growth has been phenomenal with over 135,000 unique visitors per month as of May. We successful ran our QCon conference in London this March (see show coverage and key lessons learned), and have launched a Chinese edition of InfoQ.

It has been a great first year, and definitely the first of many. Upcoming additions include more great content + a new community on architecture, we will be bringing QCon to San Francisco Nov 6-9 (to be announced), and InfoQ Japan will be launching this summer, and we will continue to innovate with the features of the site (yes and with search too). :)

Thanks to the community at large and especially the blogosphere for all the announcements of our content - our super fast growth of membership was all word-of-mouth driven. And thanks especially to our editorial team of  ongoing in-the-field practitioners:  Jonathan Allen (lead .NET editor), Sebastien Auvray, Kurt Christensen,  James Cox, Scott Delap (lead Java editor), Amr Elssamadisy, Deborah Hartmann (lead Agile editor), Obie Fernandez (lead Ruby editor), Ben Hughes, James Kao, Mark Little, Werner Schuster, Rob Thornton, Stefan Tilkov (lead SOA editor), James Vastbinder, Hartmut Wilms, and Geoffrey Wiseman.    We are always looking to add to our editorial team, feel free to email us if you'd like to join!   Thanks also to InfoQ's awesome full time staff Diana Plesa, Roxanne Beverstein, Jason Lai, and Kevin Huo, and especially the dev team led by Alexandru Popescu including Cristi Buta, and Mihai Ganea.

For the readers, here are the top 12 content items on InfoQ from the previous 12 months, measured by traffic:

#1 Spring 2.0: What's New and Why it Matters (article, Jan 15, 2007)
#2 A Look at Common Performance Problems in Rails (article, Jun 13, 2006)
#3 How to Design a Good API & Why it Matters (presentation, Nov 21, 2006)
#4 The Role of the Enterprise Service Bus (presentation, Oct 23, 2006)
#5 Migrating to Struts 2 - Part II (article, Oct 18, 2006)
#6 Introduction to Domain Specific Languages (presentation, Oct 31, 2006)
#7 Introduction to JBoss Seam (article, Dec 18, 2006)
#8 From Java to Ruby: Risk (article, Aug 31, 2006)
#9 Integrating Java Content Repository and Spring (article, Mar 12, 2007)
#10 Introduction to BackgrounDRb (article, Jun 27, 2006)
#11 David H. Hansson on the Future of Rails (interview, Nov 14, 2006)
#12 Casestudy: Brasilian National Healthcare System (article, May 12, 2006)

Thanks everyone!  Let us know what other areas you'd like us to cover or feel free to provide any other feedback!

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