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InfoQ Homepage News AgileEvents Calendar Update

AgileEvents Calendar Update

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AgileEvents is one month old, and two dozen commercial and non-profit events have been announced there by members of the Agile community around the world. Here are the upcoming events of potential interest to members Agile community, as of October 2nd. Visit to narrow your search by city, country, continent or by using tags.

Date Event Name Metropolis
Oct 02+ Agile Business Conference 2007 London
Oct 02+ Certified ScrumMaster Class - Philadelph...  Philadelphia
Oct 04+ Agile Chennai 2007 Chennai
Oct 09 Agile Ukraine Gathering, guests Russia, ...  Kyiv
Oct 10 Brighton Coding Dojo Brighton & Hove
Oct 10 Brighton Agile Forum Brighton & Hove
Oct 13 XP Day Manhattan 2007: Rediscovering Sus... New York City
Oct 18 XP Belgium user group meeting  Antwerpen
Oct 19+ CITCON Europe 2007 in Brussels  Brussels
Oct 22+ Agile Open California - Sustainable Agil...  San Francisco
Oct 23+ Valtech Days Paris 2007 (unknown)
Oct 31 Brighton Coding Dojo Brighton & Hove
Nov 01+ Agile Planning/Rails Training in Washing...  Washington, D.C.
Nov 04+ McCarthy BootCamp  (unknown)
Nov 05+ AYE Conference  Phoenix
Nov 12+ Scrumgathering London 2007 London
Nov 15+ XP Days Benelux  (unknown)
Nov 19+ XPDay 2007  London
Nov 23 German XpDays 2007 Karlsruhe
Nov 26+ Smidig 2007  Oslo
Nov 29 AgileNorth '07 -- 1-day conference  Manchester
Nov 29+ Ruby and Ruby on Rails  Antwerpen
Nov 30+ Simple Design and Testing Conference Bloomsburg, PA
Dec 03+ First Agile Development Practices Confer... Orlando
Dec 11+ Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Techni...  Portland
Aug 04+ Agile 2008  Toronto

You can view the next few upcoming items daily on InfoQ's Agile homepage and follow the links to for the complete list, with details of each event.  And, you can add your own events! If you include your venue in North America, UpComing even gives readers a map.

Here are some of the interesting extras offered by UpComing:
One user asked: "Is there a way to email everyone who's said they're coming?" The answer is: not yet, but Yahoo expects to release that feature soon. Further feedback and feature requests are welcome - we're keeping a backlog.

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