OASIS has announced a
symposium on Composability within SOA to be held in 2008. As the
call for participation states:
At the core of Service Oriented Architectures currently deployed in businesses and governments is the ability to compose or coordinate various pieces of applications - legacy and novel - that may be developed on different platforms and languages, provide different interfaces, and be managed by different owners. We use the term "composability" to denote this quality.
The symposium is looking for papers on a range of topics, as is usually the case at these types of events, including:
- Orchestration and choreography of services: making composite applications work
- Use Cases, lessons learned and best practices for a successful SOA deployment of composability technologies
- Use of semantic technologies to enhance SOA composability
- The standards for SOA relating to composability: how do various standards support composability, how do they compose with each other
- Composition of service components using Service Component Architecture (SCA)
- The dynamic aspect of composite applications: change management, discovery, upgrades, migrations and transitions
- Coordination and mediation enablers: Enterprise Service Bus, rule-based engines, service directories, etc.
- Testing of composite applications, including the challenges of testing across business boundaries
Past OASIS symposia have typically given
a peek at some important standards efforts to come, so hopefully this will be no different. OASIS is expecting the event to attract an audience of CIOs, system integrators and senior members of IT. Ensuring the event will cover current hot-topics such as SCA, SDO, and related specifications like WS-BPEL, SOA-RM should create an interesting atmosphere both for developers of these standards/specifications and end-users. Whether or not the promise emerges will depend upon the final timetable and the audience. Hopefully InfoQ will have a presence at the symposium in order to give an update on how it goes as well as try to interview some of the presenters.