GTK# is a collection of bindings for the GTK+ toolkit within Gnome. Using GTK# developers can build graphical interfaces using Mono with the Stetic designer of MonoDevelop. This past week Daniel announced code complete on the Mono-GTK# mailing list:
I'm proud to present you with my last two weeks work - a gtk-sharp custom control library compatible 100% with monodevelop/stetic.
Url: (yeah, I have screen shots there )
Included in the first release of Holly Widgets are the following controls:
HFontPicker - A office like font picker widget
HDateEdit - A date-time picker supporting custom formatting options
HSimpleList - A simple list widget, inspired by the Winforms Listbox control ( has the nice Items collection, the OwnerDrawn property and the OnMeasureItem, OnDrawItem events ).
HSimpleComboBox - A simple combobox widget, inspired by the Winforms Combobox control
HRegExEntry - A simple entry with regular expressions validation. Has a small icon that changes if the content is valid or invalid.
HColorPicker - A simple color picker drop-down ( office like )
HToolTip - A nice ballon tooltip window
HIpEntry - A widget that alows the user to enter an IPv4 address
HTreeView - A simple to use TreeView? widget, similar to the winforms one
HComboTree - A easy to use combobox with a treeview ( HTreeView ) inside
HComboFolder - A combobox widget with a folder tree popup
In the works for the next release, Daniel is working on:
- HSchedulingCalendar – a calendar widget
- HPictureBox – a picture box widget similiar to the Winform incarnation
- HImageCheckbox – an image checkbox
- HComboCalculator – a combobox calculator popup
- HNumericEntry – for numeric values