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InfoQ Homepage News QCon San Francisco a Few Weeks Way: 100 Speakers in 17 Tracks!

QCon San Francisco a Few Weeks Way: 100 Speakers in 17 Tracks!

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The second annual QCon San Francisco conference (Nov 19-21) is coming up in just a few weeks; this year we've got over 100 speakers in 17 tracks covering the key topics of importance in enterprise software development. With speakers such as Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, Rod Johnson, Bob Martin, this is the biggest QCon yet.   Despite the economic times, this conference is bigger than last year's in both attendance and content, and we hope you will be able to attend. 

Some of QCon's speakers include:

    • Erik Meijer - Creator of LINQ, Serial Language Developer
    • Martin Fowler - Author: Analysis Patterns, Refactoring, others
    • Rod Johnson - Spring Creator
    • Robert Martin - Agile Programming expert
    • Kent Beck - First software Patterns, XP, xUnit
    • Brian Goetz - Author, Java Concurrency in Practice
    • Eric Evans - Mr. Domain Driven Design
    • Linda Rising - Patterns Almanac, Patterns Handbook
    • Dan Pritchett - eBay Architect
    • Neal Ford - Editor of "No Fluff, Just Stuff Anthology"
    • Venkat Subramaniam - Author .NET, Groovy, Agile

The track themes for QCon San Francisco & track hosts are as follows:

Architectures You've Always Wondered About -  Hosted by EBay's Pritchett
Case Studies by Facebook, MySpace,, Shutterfly, and EBay architects.

Scaling Agility - Hosted by Pollyanna Pixton
How to Scale Lean and Agile in huge companies with large development orgs.

Cloud computing - Hosted by EAI Patterns Author Gregor Hohpe
Will the little cloud icon replace the server & database-cylinder on tomorrows system design schematics?

Being Agile - Hosted by Amr Elssamadisy
Become an agile developer so it will become a part of you and something which lives inside you.

Effective design and Clean code  - Hosted by Aino Vonge Corry
How to best translate a set of abstract ideas into working and functional software.

Functional and Concurrent Programming Languages Applied - Hosted by LINQ Creator, Erik Meijer
Actual use of functional programming languages and actor/concurrent languages.

Java Emerging Technologies- Hosted by InfoQ's Chief Editor, Floyd Marinescu
Spring App Platform, Google Android, Mylyn, Java concurrency/multi-core, and more.

RIA in the real world: The Evolution of the Client - Hosted by InfoQ lead RIA/Java editor Scott Delap
Real project experiences with Silverlight, JavaFX, Flex/Air, GWT.

DSLs in Practise - Hosted by ThoughtWorks' Neal Ford
This track covers a wide range of business areas and technical implementations of DSLs.

Data Storage Rethinking: Document Oriented Distributed Databases - Hosted by Kresten Krab Thorup
Distributed DB, CouchDB, RDDB, HBase, BigTable and Hypertable.

Domain Driven Design - Hosted by Eric Evans
This track will take you through the foundations of DDD, and how they are applicable and actually applied in projects.

Real World REST: The Web as an integration architecture - Hosted by ThoughtWork's Jim Webber
The fight between enterprise architecture and Web architecture is over, and the Web has won out.

Ruby for the Enterprise - Hosted by Gregg Pollack
How the Enterprise can embrace Ruby as their development platform of choice.

Alternatives in the .NET Space: Open Source, Frameworks and Languages - Hosted by David Laribee
Alt.NET: the community-driven .NET development.

We thought you might find interesting to see a list of the tutorials that will run at QCon San Francisco:

Fearless Change: Introducing New Ideas, Linda Rising
Building Modular Applications with the SpringSource Application, Rob Harrop
Cloud Computing for Developers and Architects, Stuart Charlton
Practical Erlang Programming, Francesco Cesarini
Getting started with JRuby and JRuby on Rails, Ola Bini & Nick Sieger
The Zen of Agile Management, David Anderson
Hibernate, Nicolas Brasseur
Domain Specific Languages, Neal Ford & Martin Fowler & Rebecca Parsons
Certified Scrum Master, Martine Devos
The Scala Experience - Programming with Functional Objects, Bill Venners
Developing High Performance Batch Applications using Spring Batch, Wayne Lesley Lund & Thomas Risberg
Domain-Driven Design, Ralph Johnson
Getting started with Google App Engine, Mano Marks

The previous QCon were well received, below are some comments from bloggers who attended our last QCon:

    • Steve Vinoski - I just returned home from QCon London, and its excellence exceeded my expectations. As usual, the quality of speakers QCon attracts (just like JAOO) is outstanding, and they cover a very wide variety of topics.
    • Ola Bini - I had a great time and I look forward to being back the next time. I can definitely recommend QCon as one of the best conferences around in this industry.
    • Nik Silver - ... every hour of the three days of the conference there were insights and guidance that could be tucked away, and reused later to save hours, days or weeks of time elsewhere ... No magic, no silver bullets, but plenty of solid advice and experience.
    • Simon Brown - ... there were a couple of time slots where I wish I could have split myself into two. Overall it was another great event and I highly recommend it for anybody thinking about attending next year.
    • Mark Edgington - In short fantastic. I've attended many larger conferences and I found the smaller size more enabling for communication, both with the speakers and conference attendees ... I left the conference armed with lots of ideas and inspiration and a handful of excellent contacts.
    • Antonio Goncalves - I only had two days at the conference and I have to say, QCon is different from what I'm used to. The audience looked more experienced (or older if you want) and the quality of the presentations was really high
    • Dionysios G. Synodinos - The facilities were more than adequate, the schedule was practical and worked out fine, and the quality of the presentations was very high.
    • Danilo Sato - I was really impressed with the quality of the conference, from tracks, to sessions, and speakers. QCon is one of the best technical conferences I've participated and I recommend it for anyone interested in enterprise software development. I'm looking forward to attending again next year.

Registration for the 3 day conference is $1,895 until November 14! Register now and save $200. The conference will be held at the Westin San Francisco Market Street, like last year.  We hope to see you there!