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InfoQ Homepage News Visual Basic 6.0 Still Widely Used

Visual Basic 6.0 Still Widely Used

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Eric Nelson, Microsoft UK Evangelist, has posted the results of a large survey on how UK developers are using the .NET Framework and VB 6.0. The survey targeted Windows developers using the MS technology stack; results should be interpreted within that context.

One of the most interesting results of the survey is seeing how much VB6 code is still being actively used and maintained.

See Eric's analysis of the survey for more detailed information, but the following list contains some of the more interesting findings:

  • 87% of companies currently use VB6 - similar to finding above but without the maintenance focus
  • 25% of companies have over 500,000 lines of VB6 code
  • 26% of companies have a VB6 application connected to the Internet
  • 42% of companies plan to never migrate VB6 code to .NET and instead continue using VB6.


For those many UK VB6 developers, MSDN also has a portal devoted to migrating VB6 code to .NET.