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InfoQ Homepage News Interview and Book Excerpt: Jaroslav Tulach's Practical API Design

Interview and Book Excerpt: Jaroslav Tulach's Practical API Design

Jaroslav Tulach's latest book Practical API Design covers the topic of API design of software projects. Jaroslav discusses the importance of API design in the modern software applications, what are the different factors that make a good API, and how to go about implementing API frameworks. He brings his experience as the architect for NetBeans IDE project to the writing of this book. In the book, Jaroslav talks about several real-world examples of how to (and more importantly how not to) use Java API based on his experiences working on NetBeans project.

InfoQ spoke with Jaroslav about his new book, the main motivation for writing it and other topics. Topics covered in the interview include:

  • Role of Component Injection technique to achieve a Modular Architecture.
  • Assessment and validation of the quality of software
  • Role of agile and lean software development methodologies in the design API frameworks
  • Architecture and design reviews.

You can read InfoQ's interview with Jaroslav Tulach and download a chapter (Chapter 3: Determining What Makes a Good API) from the book.

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