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InfoQ Homepage News OpenFaces 3.0 Prerelease, JSF2.0 Compatible

OpenFaces 3.0 Prerelease, JSF2.0 Compatible

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Last month TeamDev had announced the pre release of OpenFaces 3.0. The official release of the 3.0 version is expected in June later this year. This intermediate milestone is a JSF 2.0 compatible version of OpenFaces.

The new 3.0 release extends the existing library functionality with 6 new components:

  • Complex filter criteria using the new CompositeFilter component
  • Layout components with the new LayeredPane component
  • The new functionality in the extended buttons
  • Command link with Ajax support
  • Checkbox components with Ajax support
  • Appearance customization.

Other enhancements were made to DataTable and TreeTable functionality. These components were enriched with the functions like vertical and horizontal content scrolling with frozen header/footer rows and columns, interactive drag&drop column reordering and column visibility customization. The API has been revised, enabling numerous filtering extensions including:

  • Customizing search condition
  • Case sensitivity
  • Placing filters inside or outside the table

OpenFaces versions 2.x are planned to be maintained in parallel with the 3.x versions, while there is interest in JSF 1.2. The intention is to keep the same features set in both branches.

The June releases of OpenFaces 2.1/3.1 will also include:

  • Enhanced SelectOneMenu component
  • WeekTable component, analogous to DayTable but showing events for a week
  • MonthTable component, analogous to DayTable but showing events for a month
  • Timetable component, displays a schedule of events with multiple views (DayTable/WeekTable/MonthTable components combined)
  • DataTable extensions.

Plannes for future releases include:

  • MenuBar component
  • Panel component
  • ProgressBar component
  • Interactive column list customization in DataTable and TreeTable components
  • Add a nodeDataByKey attribute to the TreeTable (similar to rowDataByKey in the DataTable component for enhanced handling of concurrent data modifications)
  • Support for displaying a checkbox/selection column with images instead of check boxes
  • Nested DataTables and TreeTables (within other DataTables and TreeTable)
  • Flexible paging customization
  • Additional chart types
  • Validation groups
  • Support for IDEs (NetBeans, IBM Rational Application Developer, Sun Java Studio Creator and JDeveloper)