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InfoQ Homepage News JetBrains Release IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 With Full Java 7 Support

JetBrains Release IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 With Full Java 7 Support

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JetBrains have released IDEA 10.5. This release offers full Java 7 support with code completion, inspections, and quick fixes.


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Since version 10.0 IntelliJ IDEA has been offered in two versions, a free open-source "Community Edition" and an expanded commercial offering called the "Ultimate Edition".

As well as Java 7 support a number of other new features have been added to the Community Edition: The latest versions of Android SDK are supported, including Honeycomb; XSLT 2 support has been added; and the Groovy capabilities have been updated with new refactorings such as Introduce Field, and Groovy 1.8 support.

Updates in the Ultimate Edition include:

  • Spring 3.1 support and Spring Roo console
  • Bundled Jetty integration
  • Google Chrome support in the JavaScript debugger

JetBrains also note that there is a reworked UI for refactorings and Search/Replace. In addition, improvements have been made to the code completion functions such that

Introduce Parameter/Field/Constant refactorings now work in-place, with an instant changes preview and no additional dialogs.

Upon installation the product prompts you to allow it to collect anonymous usage statistics. A company blog post states

We just want to say that this information is VERY important for us and will help us concentrate our efforts exactly on the tools and technologies that you really use.

Version 10.5 is a free update for developers with a version 10 license, and the Ultimate version is now offered at a lower price for new licenses and for personal license upgrades. Version 11 of the product is expected to ship later this year, according to IntelliJ IDEA project lead Max Shafirov.