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InfoQ Homepage News SharpDevelop 5 Introduces Class Browser, Search Grouping, Insert with Cursor and ILSpy Support

SharpDevelop 5 Introduces Class Browser, Search Grouping, Insert with Cursor and ILSpy Support

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SharpDevelop 5 Beta 1 has been released with support for class browser, search grouping, improved Go To definition on partial types in addition to ILSpy integration. The latest release includes improved class browser with which you can view the hierarchy of all projects, namespaces, types and type members after opening a solution. The code editor window will be displayed upon double clicking a type member and a context menu will be displayed with navigation and refactoring commands upon right clicking.

Moreover, SharpDevelop, originally developed in 2000, has a feature to load any external .NET assembly similar to ILSpy either from the file system or from GAC. As a developer, you will be able to view decompiled contents of the type upon double click.

Prior to SharpDevelop 5, it used to display XAML part of a class when Ctrl+clicking on the type name of a window or control. However, with the latest release, a popup will be displayed with the file names you would like to jump to. It also provides an ability to either search projects or with project and file by group wise and introduces a new AddIn Manager interface with which you can extend the functionality of the IDE with AddIns either from NuGet based repository or from a *.sdaddin package file.

The latest release of the IDE includes a node that represents the process currently being debugged. It is also possible to browse a loaded module and open/decompile a method as in ILSpy including stepping into methods without source. As a developer, you can add breakpoints, step through it, evaluate expressions including setting of additional breakpoints.

"We are currently working on SharpDevelop 5, which will come with a lot of productivity improvements. One thing of interest for SD5 is definitely the license change, that will make using SDs code in other applications easier," said Christoph Wille, Member, SharpDevelop Project.

SharpDevelop 5 includes new features such as insert with cursor, context actions, code inspections, enhanced scrollbar, background syntax check, link mode, suppressing issues, automatic variable naming in addition to XML based tooltips for documentation. Moreover, developers will be able to watch expressions using Ctrl+F7 key combination and paste content from clipboard ring.