On the eve of the 2016 ng-conf in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Angular team pushed Angular 2 out of beta and into the world as a Release Candidate. Brad Green and Jules Kremer headlined the Day 1 keynote where they filled attendees in on what they've been doing and where things are going.
Green says that using the new offline template compiler results in a core download size of 46K, which is even smaller than the Angular 1 core. The new compiler also results in a 5X rendering speed improvement over Angular 1 in both initial renders and updates.
The Angular ecosystem has grown, yet become more coherent. Beyond just plain-old Angular, there are now a number of subsites that relate to specific spin-off projects. InfoQ will provide more coverage of some of these over the coming week.
- universal.angular.io - Angular server-side rendering on node.js and .NET
- augury.angular.io - Chrome Dev Tools extension for debugging Angular 2 apps.
- angular.io/styleguide - Official style guide
- cli.angular.io - Command line tools to scaffold Angular apps
- mobile.angular.io - Angular Mobile Toolkit
- angular.io/resources - List of community resources
The Angular CLI tool has matured since it was first announced allowing developers to spin-up an app using the following three console commands:
ng new AwesomeApp
cd AwesomeApp
ng serve
The CLI tool can create projects, generate components, generate routes, and pre-process CSS.
For developers that build apps with TypeScript, a new tool called Codelyzer does static code analysis against the official style guide.
Because everything in Angular 2 is a component, a number of vendors have been able to port their control libraries to Angular 2. Google has naturally ported their Material library, but Wijmo, PrimeNG, NG-Lightning (SalesForce), Vaadin, telerik (kendo UI), and ng-bootstrap also have component libraries available.
Kremer introduced members of the community that are building out their businesses using Angular 2 and the different pieces available.
Michi Kono, Senior Director of CapitalOne.com took the stage to show off what they've done with Angular Universal, which "allows the Angular engine to run server-side". CapitalOne.com is a heavily trafficked site with extreme performance, SEO, and regulatory requirements. Their previous work with Angular 1 resulted in the need to build a complicated custom rendering system. Kono says that Angular Universal essentially rearranges the flow so that painting is done before the user interaction is available. Previously, the paint happened at the end, so users not only couldn't interact with the site, they had to wait before they could see the content.
But the biggest question remains unanswered: when will Angular 2 shed all qualifiers and grow up to stand on its own?
The ng-conf live stream is available on YouTube and the keynote slides are available.