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InfoQ Homepage News Overview of Changes in Tensorflow Version 1.3

Overview of Changes in Tensorflow Version 1.3

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Although it has only been a month since the release of version 1.2.1, there have been many changes to the software in version 1.3. Developers can find an extensive release report on the Github page of Tensorflow. This article will list the most important changes developers have to know about before and after upgrading to Tensorflow v1.3. 

From cuDNN 5.1 to cuDNN 6

Developers upgrading from 1.2.1 to version 1.3 also need to update the cuDNN version on their pc. The binary distribution is compiled with NVIDIAs cuDNN 6, where 1.2.1 used cuDNN 5.1. Developers who don't want to upgrade can still build their own binaries from the source code. The new cuDNN version has significant performance improvements for softmax layers. An interesting feature that added to cuDNN 6 are Dilated Convolutions. Tensorflow already supports this operation, but does not yet use the new cuDNN functionality for this. Note that since Tensorflow release version 1.1.0 the GPU on Mac is not supported anymore. Although the developers still welcome patches, there is no guarantee you can get it to work. 

The class

The class got several important changes. Using this class developers can create a uniform input pipeline of their data from Tensors in memory, files on disk, in many data formats. It can also be used to apply functions to each individual element using the function, or to all elements with the Dataset.batch() function. Functions in this class that expected nested structures now convert lists to tf.Tensor objects implicitly. Users who don't want this should use tuples instead. There are also several new functions in the Dataset class:

  • Dataset.list_files(file_pattern): returns a Dataset of strings corresponding to file names that match the file_pattern argument 
  • Dataset.interleave(map_func, cycle_length): gives programmers more control over how a function is mapped to each element. It still applies map_func across the whole dataset but interleaves the results, useful to process many input files concurrently. 
  • ConcatenateDataset: a class that extends the Dataset class. The init function takes two datasets, which will be concatenated in the new class using the already existing Dataset.concatenate() function. 

For more information, developers should take a look at the guide on using the Dataset class in the programmers guide on Github.

High level API functions and statistical distributions

Although there are already many high level API functions available for Keras and TFLearn users, Tensorflow added the following functions to their library: DNNClassifier, DNNRegressor, LinearClassifer, LinearRegressor, DNNLinearCombinedClassifier, DNNLinearCombinedRegressor. These estimators are part of the tf.contrib.learn package, and the documentation of Tensorflow describes how to use them.

A new addition are the many statistical distributions. A class represents a statistical distribution, and is initialized with parameters that define this distribution. There are already many univariate and multivariate distributions present. Developers can also extend existing classes, but have to keep support all functions present in the Distribution base class. In case of invalid properties, developers can ask their program to throw an exception, or they can choose to deal with the NaN values. A short example of how developers can get a tensor with random variables from a uniform distribution is listed below: 


Changes to existing functions

There are also some small changes to existing functions. The tf.gather function, used to index within a particular axis of a tensor, now has an axis parameter allowing for more flexible gathering.  

The tf.pad function, used to put values around an existing tensor, now supports argument in the "CONSTANT" state. Previously the argument 0 was added as padding to an existing tensor, now users can specify what value they want to padd with. Modes that were already available were "REFLECT" and "SYMMETRIC". 

Leave your feedback

Although this news article covers the most important changes, there are many additional changes and features developers can deem important. I invite developers to add information about version 1.3 of Tensorflow, additional changes I forgot to write about, pitfalls you found in existing code, or anything else in the comments below. Visitors that are not yet registered with InfoQ can do so, and help many fellow developers.