Four application architecture guides are available from Microsoft's Developer Division and the Visual Studio product teams. This guidance, previously released in draft form, covers four areas: Microservices, Docker, Web Applications with ASP.NET Core and Azure, and Enterprise Applications Using Xamarin Forms. Each guidance is contained in an eBook. There are two end-to-end reference applications that the guides use as examples for building microservices, web applications, and mobile applications using Xamarin forms. The reference applications, eShopOnContainers and eShopOnWeb are available on GitHub.
Microsoft will also publish a series of blog post that summarize the guides. The idea behind the posts is to give you an opportunity to understand these various areas even if you do not have the time to explore them in depth. Three blog posts have already appeared:
Microservices and Docker containers: Architecture, Patterns and Development guidance
Web Applications with ASP.NET Core Architecture and Patterns guidance
Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms: Architecture and Patterns guidance.
The blog post on "Production Ready Cloud applications with Azure Architecture guidance" has yet to appear.
In the future, the samples will be developed further. For example, the eShopOnContainers will be extended to use specific orchestrators (Service Fabric, Kubernetes), Services Bus, and No SQL databases. In addition the Visual Studio Tools for UWP team is developing guidance for Windows desktop applications.
Microsoft is interested in feedback on these guides.