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InfoQ Homepage News Acegi Security System for Spring 1.0 is out

Acegi Security System for Spring 1.0 is out

Acegi Security 1.0 has just been released, after more than two and a half years of use in large production software projects, 70,000+ downloads and hundreds of community contributions. The Acegi framework is particularly useful with Spring, it offers authentication, authorization, instance-based access control, channel security and human user detection capabilities.

Project founder Ben Alex announced the launch on the SpringFramework forums:
In addition to more than 80 improvements and fixes since 1.0.0 RC2, this new release also includes several changes to help new users. This includes a significant restructure and expansion of the reference guide (now more than 90 pages) and a new "bare bones" tutorial sample application. Furthermore, many of the frequently-identified problems experienced by new users have been addressed, such as custom 403 messages (as opposed to using the Servlet Container's error handler), detecting corrupt property input following the reformatting of XML files, and a new logout filter. We've also refactored our LDAP services, made the SecurityContextHolder a pluggable strategy (especially useful for rich clients who wish to avoid ThreadLocal), and improved CAS support.
Acegi Security began in late 2003 in response to a Spring Developers' mailing list question about whether a Spring-based security implementation was in the works. Since then, Acegi has become one of the few Java security frameworks out there, and definitely one of the most comprehensive.   Insufficient features and lack of portability of Servlet and EJB security standards initially drove interest in Acegi, which since the has evolved into a project with support for most of today's authentication schemes.  While much has been written about authentication, the hardest security challenges (which are also the least discussed) is authorization, for which Acegi supports authorization on web requests, method calls, and even access to individual domain object instances.