- Updated the document on Using JavaServer Faces Technology with AJAX.
- Added a document and examples on Using PhaseListener Approach for Java Server Faces Technology with AJAX.
- Added a document and examples on Using a Servlet with JavaServer Faces Technology and AJAX.
- Updated the document on the Design Choices in a Web-only Application Using Java Persistence.
- Updated the document on Using Primary Keys with Java Persistence that depicts design choices for using primary keys using Java Persistence API, including automatically generating primary keys.
- Added a document and examples on Using a Model Facade that depicts using a model tier facade that encapsulates the Java Persistence API calls
- Added a document and examples on Using Named Queries that depicts refactoring code to use named queries.
- Added a document and examples on Naming Conventions for Java Persistence that depicts some naming conventions while using the Java Persistence API
Mark Basler has posted a good overview of the changes on his blog. On a related note the Java BluePrints program released a new Java Petstore Demo built using JEE BluePrints earlier this year.