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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Keynote: Cognitive Edge

Keynote: Cognitive Edge



Dave Snowden attempts to build a theory for the Agile movement based on statistical research, weak signal detection methodology, complexity theory and co-evolution theory.


Dave Snowden is Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Cognitive Edge. He is Senior Fellow at the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies at Nanyang University and the Civil Service College in Singapore. His paper with Boone on Leadership won the Academy of Management award for the best practitioner paper in 2007, having won a special award for originality in his work on knowledge management.

About the conference

Agile Cambridge is THE learning and collaborating conference for Agile and Lean practitioners in the East of England. The event also draws participants from across the country, mainland Europe and further afield. It is one of the most successful Agile conferences in the UK.

Recorded at:

Nov 23, 2012