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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Real Time Web with XMPP

Real Time Web with XMPP



After an introduction to XMPP, Jack Moffitt presents Strophe, a library for writing XMPP clients, and he demonstrates sample code showing how to program against it.


Jack Moffitt works on real time search applications based on XMPP and Web technologies using JavaScript, Erlang, and Python. Previously he created Chesspark, an online game community build on top of XMPP, led the team behind the Ogg, Vorbis, and Theora patent-free multimedia codec projects, and created the Icecast sreaming media server.

About the conference

JSConf 2009 is a conference devoted to the programming language we all love to hate and hate to love, JavaScript. This is conference will be thoughtful, content driven, and exemplify the very nature of JavaScript. The core focus of this conference is to expose some of the details about JavaScript that are often overlooked and present them more as a discussion with the audience. The content of the conference should cater to all types of JavaScript users from client interfaces to server development to testing. No matter which programming language you love, you know of the pleasure and pain of JavaScript programming.

Recorded at:

Dec 02, 2009