InfoQ Homepage Presentations Pragmatic Software Architecture and the Role of the Architect
Pragmatic Software Architecture and the Role of the Architect
Joe Wirtley introduces software architecture and the role of the architect in software development along with techniques, tips and resources to help one get started thinking as an architect.
Joe Wirtley is an independent consultant with over twenty years software development experience. He currently works as a .NET architect and developer on both smart client (WPF, WCF) and web (ASP.NET, Silverlight) applications. He has presented at CodeMash, devLink and CodeStock. You can check out his site at or follow him on Twitter: @JoeWirtley.
About the conference
Code PaLOUsa is a conference designed to cover all aspects of software development regardless of technology stack. It has sessions revolving around Microsoft, Java, and other development platforms; along with session on higher levels that are platform agnostic. The conference schedule will feature presentations from well-known professionals in the software development community.