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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Making Things Work Together

Making Things Work Together



Subbu Allamaraju discusses interoperability between web applications using, an Node.js-based HTTP gateway.


Subbu Allamaraju is Principal Member of Technical Staff at eBay where he focuses on improving the way HTTP is consumed by apps. He is the creator and product owner of whose main goal is to ensure interoperability, dev agility, and performance. Subbu is also the author of O'Reilly's RESTful Web Services Cookbook that documents several techniques for using HTTP to build client and server apps.

About the conference

Software is changing the world; QCon aims to empower software development by facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in the enterprise software development community; to achieve this, QCon is organized as a practitioner-driven conference designed for people influencing innovation in their teams: team leads, architects, project managers, engineering directors.

Recorded at:

Sep 26, 2012