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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Introducing ClojureScript-in-ClojureScript

Introducing ClojureScript-in-ClojureScript



Joel Martin introduces cljs-in-cljs, a compiler for porting all of ClojureScript, including the Clojure top-half and other JVM specific code, to pure ClojureScript.


Joel Martin is currently a Principal Software Engineer at LonoCloud. He’s mostly known for noVNC, an HTML5 VNC client that has been adopted by many projects including OpenStack, Ganeti Web Manager and libvncserver. He is also known for creating websockify, a TCP to WebSocket bridge that is commonly used with noVNC and was also recently adopted by emscripten to provide networking support.

About the conference

Clojure/West is the newest conference creation from Alex Miller (aka @puredanger). Alex has been running the Strange Loop conference in St. Louis since 2009, smashing together the worlds of functional and dynamic programming languages, concurrency, distributed systems, web and mobile. Since early 2010, Alex has also been part of a team using Clojure at Revelytix.

Recorded at:

Aug 17, 2013