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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Cybertron: Pushing the Limit on I/O Reduction in Data-Parallel Programs

Cybertron: Pushing the Limit on I/O Reduction in Data-Parallel Programs



The authors introduce Cybertron, a new tool for reducing I/O operations in data-parallel programs through a constraint-based encoding.


Tian Xiao, Tsinghua University and Microsoft Research. Jiaxing Zhang, Microsoft Research. Chencheng Ye, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Wenguang Chen, Tsinghua University. Zhenyu Guo, Microsoft Research. Hucheng Zhou, Microsoft Research. Xu Zhao, University of Toronto. Xi Wang, MIT CSAIL. Wei Lin, Microsoft Bing. Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research.

About the conference

SPLASH — the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity — embraces all aspects of programming, languages, and software construction and delivery. It incorporates OOPSLA, Onward!, the Dynamic Languages Symposium, and a host of workshops, panels, tutorials, demonstrations and invited talks.

Recorded at:

May 29, 2015