InfoQ Homepage Presentations Hybris-as-a-Service: A Microservices Architecture in Action
Hybris-as-a-Service: A Microservices Architecture in Action
Andrea Stubbe explains how to create cloud applications with microservices using Hybris’ platform and API.
Andrea Stubbe is Product Lead of the core part of the as-a-service product at Hybris. Having been a software developer for most of her career, she loves working on an architecture that addresses many of the problems and challenges she has observed in earlier projects. She also finds this a perfect fit for lean and agile development principles.
About the conference
Micro Services are a new paradigm for software architecture: small services in separated processes take the place of large applications. This way monolithic architecture can be avoided, and systems are easily scalable and changeable. The microXchg conference looks at a variety of aspects of Micro Services.