InfoQ Homepage Presentations J2V8 a Highly Efficient JS Runtime for Java
J2V8 a Highly Efficient JS Runtime for Java
Ian Bull introduces J2V8 and its API, how it was inspired by SWT, how V8 (C++) was integrated with Java, and some Eclipse tools for developing JavaScript applications on J2V8.
Ian Bull co-leads the Equinox/p2 project and is the component lead for Zest. Ian is also an avid proponent of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and has studied how MDE can play a role in the design and generation of information visualizations. His interests include software architecture, component oriented design, human-computer interaction and just about everything related to software engineering.
About the conference
EclipseCon North America is the annual conference for the Eclipse community. It is an opportunity for developers who use Eclipse technology to learn, explore, share and collaborate on the latest ideas and information about Eclipse technology and software development.