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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Gluing together the web via the Facebook Platform

Gluing together the web via the Facebook Platform



Facebook offers an open standards platform for creating social network applications. Josh Elman discusses the concept of social networking and how the Facebook platform addresses issues of identity, of social graphing, and sharing (via its Open Stream API). His presentation explored the nature of a social graph and the "virtuous cylcle of sharing."


Josh Elman is a Platform Program Manager at Facebook, where he focuses on new initiatives and programs for developers on Facebook Platform. Previously, Josh was Head of Product Management at Zazzle, worked at LinkedIn, and began his career at RealNetworks. Josh holds a bachelor’s degree in symbolic systems from Stanford University.

About the conference

Glue is the only conference devoted solely to solving the web application integration problem-set. People that should attend Glue include the architects, developers, administrators and integrators that have moved past the initial step of seeing the web as a platform, and are facing the real-world challenges of what "stove-piped" web applications mean for their overall strategy. Glue is about all of bits and pieces, APIs and meta-data, standards and connectors that will help us to glue together the varying applications of the new platform.

Recorded at:

Jun 05, 2009