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InfoQ Homepage Presentations State of the Art in Microservices

State of the Art in Microservices



Adrian Cockcroft summarizes the differences and commonalities across some of the largest microservices deployments in production, showing how they are evolving.


As a Cloud Architect at Netflix, Adrian Cockcroft led the Netflix Open Source program from 2007-2013. Now he is working at VC firm Battery Ventures helping portfolio companies to scale and speed up their product development cycles using microservices and continuous delivery. Previous positions included being Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems and eBay.

About the conference

Micro Services are a new paradigm for software architecture: small services in separated processes take the place of large applications. This way monolithic architecture can be avoided, and systems are easily scalable and changeable. The microXchg conference looks at a variety of aspects of Micro Services.

Recorded at:

Jun 17, 2015