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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Implementing REST Web Application Architectures

Implementing REST Web Application Architectures



Arjen addresses Spring 3.0 support for REST in Spring MVC including, URI templates, content-negotiation, and other RESTFul concepts. Starting with an overview of REST, he then addresses the new RESTful features in Spring, including: RESTful URI's, URI templates, Content negotiation, HTTP method conversion, and ETag support.


Arjen Poutsma is a senior software engineer at SpringSource with fifteen years' experience in both Java EE and Microsoft .NET. Three years ago, Arjen started to specialise in Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures. Arjen founded the open source Spring Web Services project and has also contributed to various other open source projects, including XFire, Axis2, and others.

About the conference

SpringOne is the annual conference for the global Spring community held in both Europe and the Americas. SpringOne Europe 2009 focused on the emerging technologies and best practices around the Spring Framework and enterprise software development. The event featured the project founders, core committers, authors, consultants, project leads, and professional trainers.

Recorded at:

Sep 14, 2009