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  • Using Agile Principles with Scrum Studio to Increase Organizational Responsiveness

    Using a change approach based on agile principles with Scrum Studio helped a Dutch pension and investment management company to become more responsive at structurally lower costs. The change team practiced what they preached by applying transparent and iterative change with similar characteristics as the intended end result. They established a culture where people are taking responsibility.

  • Using Self-Selection to Create Teams

    At one company, self-selection was applied to redistribute people over teams. It provided the opportunity for developers to get involved in strategic decisions and understand the needs of the business. Using self-selection, they learned that by giving people the power to take difficult and informed decisions, they will become motivated, no matter how tough the decision is.

  • Q&A with Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland about Scrum Guide Updates

    The Scrum guide has been updated to better reflect what Scrum is and clear up misconceptions. Scrum can be used for building software products, and it can be applied to many other areas outside of software as well. Scrum is a framework based on empiricism for continuous improvement. Having a potentially shippable product increment at least every sprint or more often is a key element of Scrum.

  • The Future of Work - Morning Sessions from Agile People Sweden

    The fifth Agile People Sweden Conference is being held on October 23 and 24 in Stockholm. The 2017 conference theme is: The Future of Work - Scaling Agile to Improve Worklife. The Monday morning sessions explored agility scales, enterprise wide agility with sociocracy, and self organization.

  • State of Scrum Master Salary Report Released

    Stefan Wolpers of the Age of Product has released a State of Scrum Master Salary report, summarizing the responses from over 500 scrum masters across 13 countries. The intent of the research was to identify common career patterns and their financial remuneration.

  • Experimenting with Self-Organisation

    Self-organising teams are much more effective, engaged and happier. Not everyone is comfortable with self-organising; people are conditioned to do what they are told and mainly to work on their own. You need modern leadership approaches like intent-based leadership, sociocracy, and holacracy, to enable self-organising teams.

  • Managing Crowdsourced Testing

    Crowdsourced testing is a unique way of involving the crowd- meaning the real users/testers- into software testing under real world conditions. It helped Swisscom to find defects very early in the development process and increase the quality of products.

  • State of Scrum 2017 Edition Published by Scrum Alliance

    Scrum is increasingly used outside of IT or software development, where many organizations adopt mix-and-matched approaches to agile, and the ScrumMaster role is evolving into more of a shared role where fewer ScrumMasters focus on a single initiative; these are some of the findings from the 2017 State of Scrum report which has been published by the Scrum Alliance.

  • Exploring the Seven Principles of Sociocracy 3.0

    Principles guide behaviour, and when made explicit can raise consciousness and help to evolve culture. The seven Sociocracy 3.0 principles support organizations that want to act in integrity with their environment, learn from experience, and generate a collaborative, adaptable and intelligent system to navigate complexity.

  • Atlassian Opens up Team Health Monitors and Team Playbook Blueprints

    After introducing a tool-agnostic version of its Team Health Monitors at Summit 2016, Atlassian now also bundles Team Playbook blueprints with the recently released Confluence Server 6.1. A Health Monitor workshop is a team self-assessment aiming to identify pain points and formulate a plan to address weak spots by running low-ceremony "plays" that "can help improve a team's overall health".

  • The Agile Journey of Buurtzorg towards Teal

    Buurtzorg, a Dutch nationwide nursing organization, operates entirely using self-managing practices. Teams are fully self-organized, and the organization has developed a culture where these independent teams are supported by the back office. Their IT system was developed in an agile way to help teams deliver nursing care to their patients.

  • Lean and Agile Culture at the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle

    Scaling lean and agile is not a question of frameworks, it's about values, principles and mindset. At Yle the company management has been involved in the agile transformation by carrying out experiments, learning and doing; not by implementing frameworks. Magic happens when you work together with people in teams on all levels.

  • Learning to Become Agile

    The agile paradigm adapts processes to human nature, in contrast to the classical management approach which obliges team members to adjust to a particular development process. Bateson's learning model can help us to go from doing agile - following an agile method - to being agile - having your own agile identity and vision.

  • Driving Improvements with Lean Pilots

    Lean, agile and Lean Startup can strengthen each other for driving improvement. Lean Pilots, a data-driven improvement framework for removing major cross-functional organizational impediments, has been used to drive internal continuous improvement.

  • Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations

    People can feel limited when challenged, which slows them down or keeps them from trying. It can be a real problem, but their fear might actually be in their imagination. Sometimes the only thing that's holding you back is yourself. Survival rules can hinder us- sometimes you have to break them.