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  • Two Mistakes You Need to Avoid When Integrating Services

    With SOA, businesses moved from monolithic applications to heterogeneous designs by decomposing functionality into services. However, architects must be careful when integrating services. Often enterprises assume adopting patterns like ESB can help. Unfortunately, there are hidden challenges with these patterns. The danger is they go unnoticed during development but surface when a system is live.

  • Using Templates to Transform Web Service Results into Markup

    The HTTP-RPC open-source Java framework returns results in JSON by default, but can use the CTemplate system to respond with custom markup. In this article, Greg Brown shows how simple annotations can be used to automatically respond to a web service in any markup (HTML, XML, CSV, etc.).

  • Creating RESTful Services with T4 Based on Model and Interfaces

    When generating RESTful services with WebAPI, a lot of boilerplate code has to be implemented. Amel Musić demonstrates how T4 and EnvDTE can be used to create a flexible code generator that dramatically reduces the amount of time and effort this takes.

  • HTTP-RPC: A Lightweight Cross-Platform REST Framework

    HTTP-RPC is an open-source framework allowing developers to create and access cross-platform polyglot RESTful web services using a convenient, RPC-like metaphor, while preserving fundamental REST principles such as statelessness and uniform resource access.

  • Locating Common Micro Service Performance Anti-Patterns

    In this second installment on diagnosing performance issues, performance engineer Andreas Grabner focuses on spotting patterns that cause performance and scalability issues in distributed Micro Service Oriented Architectures.

  • Production Like Performance Tests of Web-Services

    Tests should always keep the end user view in mind. But how to test web services, which are not directly customer-facing, and in particular, how to performance test them in a meaningful way? This article outlines performance split testing as a performance test approach that is relying on real-time production traffic.

  • From Monolith to Multilith at ticketea

    ticketea is a large online ticket selling platform in Spain. This article describes their growing pains and how DevOps and an API-based distributed architecture allowed them to cope with growth, both from a technical (from monolith to multilith) and people (awareness and knowledge sharing) perspective.

  • Thinking Outside-In: How APIs Fulfill the Original Promise of Service-Oriented Architecture

    The article explores how and why APIs are a lightweight and agile way of building reusable business systems. While some SOA adopters delivered these goals many efforts faced complexity and failed. The key difference with APIs is in the shift from hierarchical services to distributed resources, simplicity, statelessness and a focus on making it practical for the business to understand and implement

  • Exposing the Lucene Library as a Microservice with Baratine

    Baratine is an asynchronous facade that can be placed in front of an existing library without modifying its code base, thus exposing the library as a microservice available to any language, and simplifying the requirement to have a nonblocking scalable web service. This article shows how Baratine’s POJO platform takes an API-centric approach to building high performance microservices.

  • Oozie Plugin for Eclipse

    Oozie Eclipse plugin is a new tool for editing Apache Oozie workflows graphically inside Eclipse. Usage of this plugin allows to skip hard to develop and maintain process definition in HPDL. Instead a process graph is defined graphically by placing process actions on pallet and connecting them. An article introduces Eclipse Oozie plugin and provides an example of its usage.

  • Article Series: Patterns of DevOps Culture

    Healthy organizations exhibit similar patterns of behavior, organization and improvement efforts. In this series we explore some of those patterns through testimonies from their practitioners and through analysis by consultants in the field who have been exposed to multiple DevOps adoption initiatives.

  • How Different Team Topologies Influence DevOps Culture

    There are many different team topologies that can be effective for DevOps. Each topology comes with a slightly different culture, and a team topology suitable for one organisation may not be suited to another organisation, even in a similar sector. This article explores the cultural differences between team topologies for DevOps, to help you choose a suitable DevOps topology for your organisation.