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InfoQ Homepage Software Testing Content on InfoQ

  • Sauce Labs Adds Analytics and Extended Debugging to Continuous Testing Cloud

    At their recent user conference SauceCon, Sauce Labs introduced new capabilities for its continuous testing cloud including test analytics, featuring a dashboard that analyses test results and exposes common failures by browser and operating system, including Android and iOS.

  • 2018 State of Testing Survey

    The 2018 State of Testing survey aims to provide insights into how the testing profession develops and recognize testing trends. The survey is open through January 2018.

  • Testing Lessons from Animals

    We can learn from how animals search for food to understand testing better, argued James Bach. Over time testers find out where the buggy parts of a product are, but then it might be effective to occasionally wander off and explore other areas. Stop hoping that automation will save you, and learn to hunt for bugs.

  • Designing Services for Resilience: Nora Jones Discusses Netflix Chaos Engineering at QCon SF

    At QCon SF Nora Jones presented “Designing Services for Resilience Experiments: Lessons from Netflix”. Key takeaways from the talk included: the customer experience is a priority; designing for resiliency testability is a shared responsibility; configuration changes can cause outages; and engineers should have have explicit monitoring in place to detect antipatterns in configuration changes.

  • GitHub for Testers

    Talk to a developer about version control, and you’ll likely hear about Git as a workflow tool, and GitHub as both a place to store code and a personal resume. It can be beneficial for testers to join and use Github for personal and professional projects and to contribute to existing projects.

  • Practical Tips for Automated Acceptance Tests

    Testing techniques like Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, and Risk-based Testing can help you decide what to test and when to automate a test. InfoQ spoke with Adrian Bolboacă about different types of tests, writing sufficient and good acceptance tests, criteria to decide to automate a test, and how to apply test automation to create executable specifications.

  • Writing Good Unit Tests

    Try to keep units small, use appropriate tools, and pair-up programmers and tester; these are suggestions for writing good unit tests. Unit testing is a mixture of programming and testing; programmers can work together with testers to learn from each other and broaden their knowledge horizons.

  • Kyle McMeekin on Real World Testing Challenges

    At the recent Agile 2016 conference, InfoQ spoke to Kyle McMeekin about the real world challenges around software testing in agile development, the push to have more test automation and how exploratory testing is different from and more effective than scripted manual testing.

  • Increase Learning with 10% Autonomy Time

    Giving teams autonomy to spend 10% of their time for learning reduces delivery time, increases quality, and increases motivation. The 10% rule gives teams full autonomy to work on things they consider important. It results in freeing up people's creativity and letting teams grow their potential.

  • How to Effectively Debug Software

    InfoQ interviewed Diomidis Spinellis, author of the books Code Reading and Code Quality, about finding and fixing errors in software, principles for debugging software and how to improve the effectiveness of debugging, how to write code that requires less debugging, and what managers can do to support error prevention and handling.

  • To the Moon: Parallels Between Space Missions and Developing Software

    Russ Olsen did the opening keynote titled "To the Moon" at the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference. InfoQ interviewed him about drawbacks of doing all the things at the same time to meet the deadline, learning from things that went wrong and from things that went right, how little things can kill you in software development, and how to focus and deal with details when doing complex work.

  • Swagger Founder Makes Commitment to Keep Project Open

    With SmartBear Software recently announcing that they are assuming responsibility for the Swagger API open-source project, many companies involved in API development tools have wondered if there will be major changes. Questions are also coming from the open-source community and from professional API developers. InfoQ interviewed Tony Tam, founder of the Swagger project.

  • Creativity and Testing: Do They Go Together?

    At the Agile Testing Days 2014 in Potsdam Jan Jaap Cannegieter spoke about using different sides of our brain to optimize testing and he will redo this presentation during the Agile Testing Day Netherlands 2015. InfoQ interviewed Cannegieter about how agile has changed testing, creativity and thinking in testing, skills of agile testers, and how testers can make steps towards agile testing.

  • Reaction to Proposed Software Testing Standard

    ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 is a proposed standard for software testing that has generated a lot of reaction in the industry, much of it against the implementation of the new standard.

  • Abstract Interfaces vs Abstract Base Classes in Entity Framework 6

    As part of the beta 1 release, Entity Framework 6 has added new methods to DbSet: AddRange, RemoveRange, and FindAsync. But what will happen with IDbSet, the matching abstract interface?