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InfoQ Homepage Web Frameworks Content on InfoQ

  • Introduction to JBoss Seam

    JBoss Seam is a new full-stack web application framework that unifies and integrates Ajax, JSF, EJB3, Portlets, and BPM. This article is an editted excerpt of chapters 1 and 2 from the first (to-be-released) book on Seam by Michael Yuan and Thomas Heute. It explains what Seam can do and grounds the concepts with a HelloWorld example.

  • Migrating to Struts 2 - Part III

    In this third and final part of the Struts 2 migration series, Struts committer Ian Roughely completes the migration of a Struts app to Struts 2, by migrating the user interface - jsps & tags. This series teaches Struts 2 architecture & the differences in request processing as well as how to configure a Struts2 app and combine actions and JSP's.

  • Migrating to Struts 2 - Part II

    In this part of the Struts 2 migration series, Struts committer Ian Roughely looks at a real application and compares the Struts and Struts 2 implementations, identifies how to convert actions, configuration changes, and what parts of the codebase don't need to be converted.

  • Migrating Struts Apps to Struts 2

    Struts committer Ian Roughely explains, from the perspective of a Struts developer, the high level architecture, basic request workflow, configuration semantics and differences in the action framework in the new Struts 2 (formerly WebWork). Armed with this knowledge, migrating an application of any size from Struts to Struts 2 should be simplified.

  • A Look at Common Performance Problems in Rails

    Rails performance expert Dr. Stefan Kaes takes a look at the most common performance issues in your Rails applications and what to do about them. Advice is given regarding benchmarking, choosing a session container, caching results of expensive computations, optimizing database queries and working effectively with view helpers.

  • Ruby and Rails: In your face... but out of your way

    Ruby on Rails is in many ways a system in itself. But in many, many other ways, Rails exposes, explores, and exploits its connections to Ruby, rather than hiding or disguising them. David A. Black, author of the book Ruby for Rails from Manning, shares his thoughts on whether or not Rails developers should take the time to master Ruby.