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Discussion on Nagios Fitness for Purpose
At a recent London DevOps meetup, Andy Sykes launched a debate on whether Nagios, a well-known application that offers monitoring and alerting services, should be replaced with a better solution. Laurie Denness, from Etsy, argued in a reply that Nagios and its ecosystem still are a great solution in the monitoring and alerting arena.
A Few Highlights from QConSF2013- Part 1 of 2
On each day of the 3-day conference at the inviting environs offered at the Hyatt there was a jam-packed schedule of speakers, exhibits and activities that made for some difficult decisions as to which tracks and what happening to attend.
- Performance Analysis by AppDynamics
Augmenting the roster of tribulations haranguing Obamacare and the website comes a technical deep-dive performed by leading performance monitoring organization AppDynamics that paints a picture of a sophomoric development initiative used to build that site.
AnyPresence Soups up Enterprise MBaaS Platform- Part 1 of 2
Mobile Backend as a Service provider AnyPresence continues to hone their chops. Launching the fifth update to their self-titled platform geared for the enterprise. Co-founder Rich Mendis provides some insights for InfoQ readers…
LeanSentry Adds Smart Alerts, Error Highlighting and Classic ASP Support
LeanSentry, formerly Sentinel has been updated with support for smart alerts, error highlighting, enhanced dashboard, classic ASP support in addition to several diagnostics features.
Managing Hadoop with Apache Ambari
In his new blog post Hortonworks Vice President of Corporate Strategy Shaun Connolly discusses the importance of Apache Ambari incubation project and the main milestones achieved by the project in 2012: simplified cluster provisioning, pre-configured key operational metrics, job execution visualization, a RESTful API and an intuitive UI.
AppDynamics Lite 2 Released - Adds Monitoring Support for Free
Application Performance Measurement (APM) vendor AppDynamics has released AppDynamics Lite version 2.0, bringing new features from their commercial product into the free version.
New Relic Has Released RPM for .NET and PHP
New Relic has released two new variants of its performance tool: RPM for .NET and RPM for PHP. RPM offers performance monitoring and analysis for web applications running on premises or in the cloud.
SpringSource vFabric cloud application framework platform
While VMWare offering a new range of products to support its vision of enterprise cloud computing at VMWorld 2010 is interesting from an operations and user perspective, developer focus is on vFabric the Spring platform for developing and running cloud based applications. The goal is to provide the same convenience infrastructure for cloud applications as for spring based enterprise applications.
Ruby VM Roundup: 1.9.2 Gets DTrace Support, Rubinius 1.0 RC2 Adds Installers, IronRuby IDEs
Rubinius 1.0RC2 adds binary installers, while Ruby 1.9.2 will get DTrace support. IronRuby moves closer to 1.0 and SharpDevelop 3.1 gains IronRuby support. Also: WEBRick users should consider upgrading to the latest versions of Ruby 1.8.x and 1.9.1 because of a recently discovered vulnerability.
Interview: Tom Preston-Werner on Powerset, GitHub, Ruby and Erlang
In this interview filmed at RubyFringe 2008, Tom Preston-Werner talks about how both Powerset and GitHub use Ruby and Erlang, as well as tools like Fuzed, god, and more.
Orbitz Open Sources Monitoring Tools ERMA and Graphite
Orbitz Worldwide, a leading global online travel company, has open sourced two monitoring tools Extremely Reusable Monitoring API (ERMA) and Graphite, a persistence and visualization component. ERMA is a home grown Java API and library that has been used in several web applications at Orbitz to capture monitoring statistics in the applications at run-time.
Monitoring Ruby
Developing Ruby and RoR apps might be easy - but what to do when something goes wrong, the interpreter misbehaves or memory leaks spring up. We look at the current options for taking a peek inside Ruby applications.
Ruby on Mac OS X Leopard with DTrace, XCode and Interface Builder support
The newly released Mac OS X Leopard ships with the Ruby 1.8.6 and various Ruby libraries and tools installed. Leopard also includes DTrace probes for profiling Ruby, XCode and Interface Builder support and more.
Using Dtrace to Improve Rails Performance
InfoQ investigates how three companies recently collaborated to use DTrace, a powerful open source process introspection tool, to find and fix a substantial Rails latency issue.