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InfoQ Homepage News New Relic Has Released RPM for .NET and PHP

New Relic Has Released RPM for .NET and PHP

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New Relic has released two new variants of its performance tool: RPM for .NET and RPM for PHP. RPM offers performance monitoring and analysis for web applications running on premises or in the cloud.

New Relic’s performance tool, called RPM, is a SaaS solution for companies interested in monitoring, troubleshooting, diagnosing, thread profiling, and capacity planning for their web applications deployed locally or in the cloud.

RPM has two basic components: an agent running as an application plug-in and a service hosted by New Relic’s datacenter. The agent collects performance data and sends it asynchronously once per minute via HTTP or HTTPS to the RPM service where it is stored and processed. The service does the rest of the job: data storage, aggregation, correlation, and visualization. Performance data is accessed from the browser. New Relic does not offer the choice to run the service on-premise, it runs only on their data center.

The agent collects information on the application response time, throughput, transaction time, database calls, background jobs, and other metrics. Using the agent does not require code modification.

The monitored application can be deployed in customer’s datacenter or in the cloud: Amazon, Engine Yard, Heroku, Gigaspaces, GoGrid, etc. Collected data can be visualized per application instance, per host or per cluster of hosts. RPM for Ruby on Rails has a Developer Mode, the raw performance data being saved locally and can be used by developers to test the performance of their application during development phase.

Started in 2008, New Relic offered RPM for Java and RPM for Ruby on Rails in the beginning, and now the company has announced RPM for .NET and PHP. RPM for .NET can be used to monitor the performance of the CLR, DBs, ASP.NET MVC2, WCF, external transactions. RPM for PHP is currently a beta product targeted at PHP apps having about the same capabilities as the Java or Ruby on Rails versions of the product. RPM for PHP supports the following platforms among others: Drupal, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and WordPress.