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グループコーチング - 個人コーチングを超えた成長機会の拡大
This article provides an introduction to group coaching and explains how it is different from individual coaching. It sheds light on the benefits of using group coaching, skills that coaches would need and the challenges they would face, with an example scenario using one of the group coaching techniques, and describes the context in which such a technique can be used.
Records are a concise and easy-to-use syntax for creating immutable classes. By using Records, you can ensure that your APIs are bulletproof and less prone to errors. Additionally, Records can be applied with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles to create more robust and maintainable code. Learning to use Records and apply them with DDD can help you make more resilient and scalable applications.
AI、ML、データエンジニアリングのInfoQトレンドレポート - 2023年9月
In this annual report, the InfoQ editors discuss the current state of AI, ML, and data engineering and what emerging trends you as a software engineer, architect, or data scientist should watch. We curate our discussions into a technology adoption curve with supporting commentary to help you understand how things are evolving.
NetflixにおけるFederated GraphQLプラットフォームの進化
This article describes the journey of the migration towards a Federated GraphQL architecture. Specifically, it shows the GraphQL platform Netflix has built consisting of the Domain Graph Services framework for implementing GraphQL services in Java using Spring Boot and graphql-java, and tools for schema development. It also describes how the ecosystem has evolved at various stages of adoption.
DesignOpsが重要な理由: デザインプロセスを改善する方法
DesignOps is a combination of practices and a mindset that improves design workflow, facilitates designer-developer handoffs, enhances the way products and services are crafted, and enables projects to evolve at a faster pace. Design processes may be more complex, dispersed and chaotic than they should be. There are ways to adapt to digital transformation and establish well-functioning DesignOps
DevOpsとクラウドのInfoQトレンドレポート - 2023年7月
InfoQ editorial staff and friends of InfoQ are discussing the current trends in the domain of cloud and DevOps as part of the process of creating our annual trends report. These reports provide InfoQ readers with a high-level overview of the topics to pay attention to and help the editorial team focus on innovative technologies.
This article describes a framework for making architectural decisions using three building blocks: The company's own Technology Radar; Technology Standards; and Architecture Decision Records (ADRs). The framework clarifies decision-making, team involvement, and information on already made decisions and aligns with the company's needs and culture.
This article tells the story about a business case using Event-Driven Architecture with Mediator topology and an implementation that provided elastic scalability, reliability, and durable workflows. All were built using Kubernetes, KEDA, AWS, and .NET technologies.
Pipelines as Codeで開発チームがワークフローをオーケストレーションする方法
DevOpsが業界の中心にある今、チームは従来のインフラストラクチャやコンフィギュレーションにとどまらず、"as Code"アプローチを拡大できる。
Effective Facilitation helps Scrum and Agile Teams leverage differences in positive ways, guiding teams to frame their discussions with clear purpose, decisions, outcomes and engagement with one another. This article talks about how facilitation can make or break team interactions, the amount of facilitation needed in certain scenarios, how to drive decisions with facilitation, and more.