Metadata-Driven Design: Creating an User-Friendly Enterprise DSL
Aaron Kendall shows how to build a domain-specific language for a saavy but non-technical crowd that enforces the rules that apply to our business domain.
Metadata-Driven Design: Building Web APIs for Dynamic Mobile Apps
In this article, Aaron Kendall uses the "metadata-driven design and development" approach by Kevin Perera to show how to rapidly create a mobile application that can evolve during runtime.
Metadata-Driven Design: Designing a Flexible Engine for API Data Retrieval
Bulk data is usually accessed via files & FTP. As collaboration migrates to APIs, what are the requirements for data APIs? Here we describe a meta-data driven architecture for bulk data ingestion.
Metadata Driven Design - An Agile Bridge Between Design and Development
Aaron Kendall of Barnes & Noble discusses an Agile method they have been using that combines the design of the overall architecture and implementation.