Abraham Marín Pérez
Abraham Marin-Perez is a Java and Scala developer with more than ten years of experience in industries ranging from finance to publishing to the public sector. He is co-author of “Continuous Delivery in Java” (O’Reilly), and provides career advice at the Meet a Mentor London group.
Abraham Marín Pérez
がブログを書きました http://www.fromfragiletoagile.com/
Abraham Marin-Perez is a Java and Scala developer with more than ten years of experience in industries ranging from finance to publishing to the public sector. He also helps run the London Java Community, and provides career advice at the Meet a Mentor London group. Abraham likes sharing his experiences with others, which has led him to author "Real-World Maintainable Software" (O'Reilly), and co-author “Continuous Delivery in Java” (O’Reilly). Currently based in London, Abraham likes going out on a hike whenever the English weather permits it, and cooking when it doesn't.