Fabiola Eyholzer
Fabiola Eyholzer is an expert and thought leader in Lean | Agile HR
Fabiola Eyholzer
がブログを書きました https://www.justleadingsolutions.com/jls-news/
Fabiola Eyholzer (SPC 4, CSPO) is an expert and thought leader in Lean | Agile People Operations – the 21st century HR approach – and CEO of Just Leading Solutions LLC, a New York based consultancy for Agile HR. Fabiola is a seasoned Management Consultant and Executive Advisor with key expertise in Enterprise Agility, Human Resources, Compensation & Performance Management, Operations & Processes, and Strategy. As trusted advisor, she helps enterprises accelerate their agile transformation by focusing on their key asset: their people. Feel free to connect with Fabiola via Twitter @FabiolaEyholzer or LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/fabiolaeyholzer)