Francesca Lazzeri
Principal Data Scientist Manager, Microsoft
Francesca Lazzeri
がブログを書きました https://medium.com/@francescalazzeri
Francesca Lazzeri, PhD is an experienced scientist and machine learning practitioner with over 12 years of both academic and industry experience. She is author of the book “Machine Learning for Time Series Forecasting with Python” (Wiley) and many other publications, including technology journals and conferences. Francesca is Professor of AI and machine learning at Columbia University and Principal Data Scientist Manager at Microsoft, where she leads a team of data scientists and machine learning engineers focusing on building scalable data science solutions on the Cloud. Before joining Microsoft, she was a research fellow at Harvard University in the Technology and Operations Management Unit. She is also on the advisory board of Women in Data Science (WiDS) initiative, machine learning mentor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and active member of the AI community.