Continuous Profiling in Production: What, Why and How
Richard Warburton and Sadiq Jaffer talk about the ins and outs of profiling in a production system, the different techniques & approaches that help understand what’s really happening with a system.
Performance: What's Next?
A lot of the techniques and approaches that are used for developing and improving software performance are tried and tested rather than innovative. But what does the future hold? Will software evolve?
Generics and Java's Evolution
Richard Warburton explains how to make effective use of Generics. Warburton sheds light on the planned changes in Java 10 using practical code examples at every step.
Java 8 Lambdas - A Peek Under the Hood
This article sheds light on how Java 8 lambda expressions and method references are implemented under the hood, and looks at the generated bytecode and performance implications.