Microsoft has published the source code and unit tests for the managed Silverlight 2 controls included in System.Windows.dll, System.Windows.Controls.dll, and System.Windows.Controls.Data.dll. Also, the Silverlight Toolkit was made available on CodePlex.
The source code for the following controls has been released:
- ButtonBase
- Button
- HyperlinkButton
- CheckBox
- RadioButton
- CheckBox
- ToogleButton
- RepeatButton
- RangeBase
- Slider
- ScrollBar
- ProgressBar
- Calendar
- DataGrid
- DatePicker
- GridSplitter
- TabControl
Also, for these SDK classes:
- Calendar
- DatePicker
- DataGrid
- TabControl
- GridSplitter
The source code of the Silverlight 2 controls is not necessary to develop Silverlight applications, but to be used as a reference in developing other controls. The thousands of unit tests provided complete the source code making it very useful in creating controls with the desired look and behavior.
The Silverlight Toolkit, a set of Silverlight components released beside the normal release cycle, was made available on CodePlex. The Toolkit contains three main categories of components: Controls, Charts, Themes. Used in conjunction with the Silverlight 2 source code just released, they let developers to create their own set of custom Silverlight components for their applications. The Toolkit contains the following components:
- AutoCompleteBox
- DockPanel
- HeaderedContentControl
- HeaderedItemsControl
- Label
- NumericUpDown
- TreeView
- WrapPanel
- Charting
- Expander
- ImplicitStyleManager
- Viewbox
And the following themes:
- Bureau Black
- Bureau Blue
- Expression Dark
- Expression Light
- Rainier Purple
- Rainier Orange
- Shiny Blue
- Shiny Red
- Whistler Blue
Both the Silverlight 2 controls and the Toolkit were released under the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL).