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InfoQ Homepage News RadRadialMenu Enables you to Create Touch Enabled Circular Menus

RadRadialMenu Enables you to Create Touch Enabled Circular Menus

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RadRadialMenu which is available with RadControls for Windows 8 XAML Q3 2013 enables you to create user interfaces with circular menu for both desktop and touch platforms. It provides support for programmatic and declarative items definition along with nested child items with the ability to define custom commands on all menu items including the ability to toggle item selection and set triggers for actions such as tap, focus and hover.

The control provides support for custom control positioning in addition to the ability to define custom triggeractions and provides an ability to interact with application components with support for text editing, formatting, navigation or custom context-specific actions depending on the location of the user focus.

RadRadialMenu has been developed in such a way that it follows the styling rules applicable to all members of the XAML suite. The visual appearance of the control can be modified either by setting specific control properties or by defining the named brushes associated with the desired visual parts.

In order to create an empty standalone menu, you should provide the following code


Windows 8 product team at Telerik has examined in detail the usage of RadRadialMenu. The menu can also be created as a context menu where you create a helper class that holds a reference to the context menu and add the helper class to the page resources. This is because WinRT does not allow a UIElement defined in resource dictionary to be shared as a child of multiple elements.